Classified as a non-resident?

<p>Michigan sent me an email earlier saying they classified me as a non-resident and told me to submit a residency application.</p>

<p>I'm a PR and have lived here for the past 6 years. How long will it take after I submit the residency app for them to approve/deny it?</p>

<p>Will they evaluate me as OOS or will they not read the app until I'm approved/denied?</p>

<p>I’ve called the residency office twice now. Six weeks ago they told me to expect a response in six weeks. This week they’re telling me eight weeks : ) Have you made sure to send in all the documentation?
Admissions says it proceeds with evaluation while residency is being determined but I suspect the application is treated as “out of state” – meaning higher requirements. (They did not confirm this…said makes little difference. Comments on this board would suggest otherwise.)</p>

<p>My son is also a PR with greencard who has lived here 6 years. We were very surprised to have this stone thrown in our path. Keep us posted on your progress. Note that you only have 30 days to appeal if their decision is not in your favor and note that the “burden of proof” is on the student to show that “all ties are severed” with former domicile.</p>

<p>Good luck and kind regards.</p>