Classroom/Building Hours

<p>Does anyone know if any buildings on campus are open late on the weekends? Sometimes (like tonight) I like to study on Friday or Saturday night instead of going out but the library closes at 9. I don't like studying in my dorm for some reason. It isn't even that it's noisy, I just find it hard to concentrate.</p>

<p>If your dorm has a lounge, those are often decent study rooms if you can find one that’s empty.</p>

<p>Try an older hall (Savory for instance). The doors will lock at 10 pm (maybe even 7 pm on weekends), but once you’re in you can stay all night. Just make sure the hall is actually open because the newer ones (such as Paccar) have guards that will kick you out (personal experience).</p>

<p>Agree with PNWest. Some buildings for specific departments (ie. CSE) require permit cards that you carry so the guards know that you’re in the department and don’t kick you out.</p>

<p>Savery is awesome, I’d love to spend a night in there.</p>

<p>I know people that have spent entire nights in Savery and only got kicked out at 6am when custodial came :P</p>