Clemson Class of 2024

Has anyone looked on the CU website for OOS scholarship information. I have found the link, but it is more vague than I recall it being. Below is all I could find which does not give any detail on the levels.

Domestic out-of-state students with at least a 1340 (EBRW+M) on the SAT or a 29 on the ACT composite and who are ranked** in the top 10%* of their high school class will be considered for a renewable merit scholarship.

Can anyone chance me
Clemson is my #1 choice

SAT: 1250
gpa unweighted: 3.5
weighted: 4.85
rank: 125/519 (top 25%)
from: NJ
volleyball all 4 years
captain senior year
italian NHS
in 4 clubs each year
over 100 hours of volunteer work

wrote my essay about how I have overcome being compared to my older brothers
thanks so much!

my older brother was accepted with a
1290 sat
3.6 gpa

but he had to do the summer program if he wanted to attend
he denied it but i would do the summer program in a heart beat

@clemsongal20 which majors did you apply for? Also, what did your brother apply for?

@mweb136 we both applied for marketing

@cr8080 D was accepted a few weeks ago, and will receive a scholarship-
Her stats:
1470 SAT
rank 5/467
GPA UW 4.0/ W 4.3904 (our HS system does a strange weighting method, this is not a recalc GPA, this is her schools GPA)
Total of 12 APs
Strong Leadership ECs, Class Treasurer, plays 2 spots, MVP award and highest scorer award, Thespian, 4 honor societies, Volunteer work
Great LOR

Still waiting on Clemson

1390 SAT
5.072 w/ 3.988 UW
5 AP
8 Dual Enrollments
27 Honors
Rank 16 out of 0ver 600. Top 2.5%
All-State Orchestra, State Champion Marching Band, All-Region Orchestra, Palmetto Girls State, Childrenā€™s Miracle Network, SC Senate Internship, Cheerleading, Miss SC Pageant SemiFinals, 1000 hours of community service, Numerous clubs

Accepted to USC and Alabama
Applied to Wofford, Alabama, Florida, Richmond, and Georgia
Waiting on Clemson, Duke, UNC, Davidson, William and Mary and the Ivies.

@4n2yrs I am so glad to hear your clan is thriving at Clemson. It was so great that they accepted all three. Itā€™s those types of things that makes Clemson a special place.

@Redi2cruise2024 you need to do the Net Price Calculator to get a better sense. However @4n2yrs said that despite the listed criteria her daughter did not get the amount set forth in the criteria.

@Catonc when did your D apply? My D OOS just applied 11/11. Her stats are similar ACT 33, GPA 4.48 out 4.5, 5 APā€™s, all rest of classes were honors. Lots of extra curricular, variety athlete, multiple honor society & officer, Plus lots of volunteering and she has a job

@burghdad thank you. Do you or @4n2yrs have more insight into under what circumstances that aide woul not be available. Right now the letter just says the offer will come in February. I had not heard read before it could potentially not be there at all. That could make a difference for acceptance.

@Redi2cruise2024 if the acceptance letter states that your child will get a scholarship, then there will be at least one awarded. You wonā€™t find out how much until Feb. if the letter does not mention a scholarship then your child may not get anything regardless of criteria.

@86grad Thank You. I believe that makes me feel better.

Sorry Iā€™m late, so acceptances are rolling out?


Hiā€¦ a few people mentioned meeting with admissions ā€¦ My daughter visited twice ā€¦ once as a standard tourā€¦ the second time she did Spring Blitzā€¦ went to the College of Business sessionā€¦ and beforehand we emailed with the student advisor for her intended major (Graphic Communications) ā€¦ met with her and took a tour of the department that day of Spring Blitz and spent a bit of time with her. But we havenā€™t had any sit down with admissions. We live in Virginia. We plan to make sure her counselor sends her first semester grades. I didnā€™t think Clemson really tracked demonstrated interest. But I wondered since a few people talked about meeting with admissions several times if that is really something that makes a difference. Also is it possible to email your admissions counselor? I have found it difficult to find any information online to learn who would even be reviewing her application. They donā€™t list names or territories. Thereā€™s just an online form.

@katcap Clemson doesnā€™t track demonstrated interest but I think meeting with admissions certainly helps in getting answers to your questions that you canā€™t find on the website. The admissions office has an open door policy so you can meet with whoever might be there that particular day. Call down there and find out who your admissions counselor isā€”and then have your child email or call them directly for any questions. They usually cover certain states/regions. We met ours at a college fair a few years ago, got his card, and my daughter stayed in touch with questions. I am not sure who reads which applications, but they told us it varies who gets assigned an application.

Also, I watched their Facebook live event a few weeks ago and they said you can call down there and ask the status of your application. You can ask if itā€™s been evaluated or not, as well as make sure they have everything they need.

Hope this helps!

Thanks this is helpful.

Has anyone actually called about the status of their application? If so did you call the admission line?

Does anyone know for sure if the admissions hack works or not? Just curious were we are with it.

I feel like my Dā€™s has stated ā€œenter code from acceptance letterā€ for weeks.