Clemson Class of 2024

My guess, like the University of Florida, is that Clemson mainly waits for most applications as they go through them all and mass communicate on one day. UF for example tells everyone on Feb 28. Clemson seems to have a trickle for some students but will tell most on roughly one day through mail. @Lacole03

So I guess I would assume that my Ds app is most likely in a yes or no pile at this point. Itā€™s been a few months.

My guess is yes. I do not see why they would not review it if they have no other apps to review.

Iā€™m wondering how many of the small wave that hit last week were related to either (a) the higher-end merit scholarships and/or (b) Calhoun Honors applications. Of the people that were accepted, were there any that were not either an academic scholarship or somebody that applied to Calhoun Honors? Itā€™d make sense to me to get those through earlier than the others.

@HokieCrazy Calhoun Honors will not be notified until February. The small batch that have been accepted already are just high stat/rank applicants.

@mweb136 Rightā€¦I know. What I was suggesting is that maybe all of those high stat/rank applicants were accepted because they either got a merit scholarship or applied to Calhoun Honors. I mean Calhoun needs to know that their applicants were accepted before considering them, right?

@HokieCrazy yes, the high stat applicants that received their notifications already were based on merit scholarships. My son who is a senior now received his notification that year in January and did receive merit. Because we are in NJ and there were so many applicants from our area the rep was not able to send the notification out as quickly as other states/majors. So members who have children with high stats and have not heard yet please do not panic.

@Lacole03 They were very helpful. I would call

Son was accepted to engineering with a merit scholarship to be determined.

OOS, 4.6 WGPA, 1480 SAT, ranked 1 of 300, varsity athlete, president of Model UN, trumpet section leader.

@jdcollegedad Congrats!! My DD is also OOS. She was awarded merit TBD too. I think all kids in our early acceptance pool have been offered merit.

My daughter applied Oct 24th, got the e-mail that her application was complete on Nov 10th. 33 ACT (34 Super score), 4.2 weighted GPA , lots of volunteer, sports and an outside job for the last 2 years, and we are still waiting. Others from our high school with equally strong credentials also have not heard back and applied earlier than my daughter.

Should also add she has 10 AP classes and 2 dual enrollment classes

@MidwestMom6 dont panic. My son had great stats too and did receive merit when he applied and did not hear until January. It also goes based on region. Our rep was totally overwelmed with appicants from our area. The amount of applicants due to the football program has increased significantly.

Arbonne- what where you childā€™s main stats? GPA, Standardized test score and major? Do a lot of kids from your high school apply to Clemson?

Thank you Mweb136!

Iā€™m starting to freak outā€¦I submitted my app on 8/10, got the complete application email 8/26, but still havenā€™t heard anything. 1430 SAT, 8 APs, and my GPA is an A. Has everyone who applied in August heard back? Iā€™m not sure what to do now. Iā€™m really hoping to go to Clemson, the wait is killing me!!

@daisy1462 I know its easier said than done, but please do not freak out. I am telling you my son had similar stats and over 40 dual enrollment credits and did not hear back until January. The majortiy do not hear this early. Are you in-state or out, what major, etc.

Im OOS (GA) and applied for Marketing. Now Iā€™m wondering if I didnā€™t check my mailbox enoughā€¦lol

@daisy1462 did you get the email that said the application was complete? Our high school took their sweet olā€™ time getting the transcript sent in, so applied in August, but didnā€™t get the email until December. If not, reach out to admissions and see if they have everything. Other than that, no reason to freak out. Youā€™ll hear one way or the other eventually. Hard to wait, I know.

@MidwestMom6 I echo @mweb136 - donā€™t worry at all. The VAST majority of acceptances go out in February. Itā€™s not rolling admissions. You will see a some in state notifications as the many of the Palmettos Fellows (top in state scholarship) might hear soon but most will hear in February.