Clemson Class of 2024

@Lacole03 I wouldn’t assume it’s been reviewed. It’s not rolling admissions. Dec 31 is the deadline for test scores so many majors wait to review their applicant pool until they have all the information. Clemson mails the majority of their letters the week of Feb 15th. @Daisy1462 When you hear back has nothing to do with when you submitted your application so just hang in there. It will likely be Feb.

Our high school traditionally has a lot of kids apply/go to Clemson ( upstate SC). D20 and a handful of others have heard back but most have not - including several with higher stats than her. I know the waiting is so hard but I really wouldn’t be too concerned at this point. The vast majority of acceptances have definitely not come out yet and there doesn’t seem to be a super clear pattern to who got those early ones.

My son received his “Tiger Bound” envelope today (letter dated Dec 12). We are OOS (GA). It says he will receive his scholarship information in February.

Chicknlady can you share your sons stats? And when did he apply?

My son also got his acceptance today for engineering. Same deal with the scholarship stuff – says he’ll receive that information in February. Not expecting much. He applied sometime in early October. Don’t know his GPA, but he’s made straight A’s throughout high school and is ranked first or second in his very small high school class. 10 varsity letters, captain of one sport for two years and another sport for one. NHS, etc. Loads of volunteer hours because it’s a private high school and they’re big into that. ACT was 31. Grandfather went to Clemson in the early 1950s for two years before going into the Army. Son is still in running for a service academy appointment, but getting more and more pessimistic about that each day. Who knows where he’ll end up?

JoeinNC --DD is in the running for service academy appointment as well! Still waiting on Clemson, UMich, GT and UNC to decide on her plan B.

I wish my son had a more concrete plan B, although being this late in the process with no appointment has caused him to do more thinking, He has a Navy ROTC scholarship interview next month. Perhaps after that things will work themselves out. I love the idea of him at Clemson because it’s relatively close and there’s a family connection.

Daughter received her TigerTown Bound letter today in the mail.

SC Public High School

Applied on 11.04.19…email confirmed on 11.22.19…letter dated 12.12.19…package received 12.19.19

Our daughter applied to Biological Sciences. She will be a Doctor one day. She has been selected for a merit scholarship but the amount was not listed but would be awarded at a later date.

We felt confident she would be accepted to Clemson and most of her other schools. She has received 5 / 5 acceptances thus far. The only applied to schools on her list that we are not 100% sure about are Duke, Cornell, and Columbia. It seems these schools are almost a crap shot today when it comes to admissions.

She had well above a 5.00 GPA, 7 AP classes, 8 more dual enrollments and 27 honors classes or above. A 35 ACT score on Science and 33 Overall. She made 5s on AP Calc AB, Eng Lit, Biology, Chemistry and US History. I think she will will be right at 60 hours of college credit when she starts college. I guess that will make her a Junior but she plans on staying al 4 years and studying abroad and double or even triple majoring,

Her Extra Curriculars would take 2 pages to list and her letters of recommendation were glowing. One from a State Senator and another “note” from the Governor’s Office, as well as 2 strong recommendations from teachers. No Legacy involved at Clemson.

Still waiting on Duke, the Ivies and Honors College at USC among others.

I am so proud of how hard she has worked to make this happen. She did the work, stayed focused, and did amazingly well. Her rewards are well earned.

D20 received the Tiger Bound Envelope today, college of Nursing. The hacked started working on 12/12.
Stats: SAT - 1380, GPA: U:3.8/ W:4.1
Many ECs, 2 sport varsity athlete, swim team captain. Lots of volunteering.

Hopefully scholarship will make it competitive as we are OOS.

On a side note has anyone moved to SC after being accepted to qualify for In-state tuition? I work from home and would not mind leaving IL (along with everyone else :), SC sounds like a nice option now that we would have a good reason.

@netpro. Congrats!!

When you say the hack started working, what do you mean? Your message changed?

@Lacole03 yes, as reported earlier prior to 12/12 when I was entering the CUID on this page followed by dummy 6 digit Activation code the page would state that No token can be found, on 12/12 the message changed to “The activation token you entered does not match the one on record. Please try again.”

Great. Good to know!

I’m guessing if you are denied, that message must never change…

My daughter got her letter today. She completed on 12/10. In NJ

@kjcjms congratulations! what is your daughters major and whereabout in NJ? We are in Bergen county.

Preprofessional Health Studies-Cumberland County.

@kjckms Awesome! Congrats to you both. She is going to love it there.

@netpro each university has their own rules on what is required to qualify for in-state residency. Clemson has a web page on this.
I looked into it and my best guess is it would take until junior year to qualify if a parent moved to SC at the beginning of Freshman year. There is a 1 year residency requirement for the parent after which they request in-state tuition. But the request may take some time and that is why I’m thinking it would be effective for junior year rather than 2nd semester sophomore year. I don’t have any experience with this, I’ve just read through their materials and daydreamed.

My daughter received her Tiger Bound envelope today - scholarship to be awarded in February. We are OOS - from GA. She is admitted to Political Science-Global Politics.

My daughter received her Tiger Town envelope yesterday. In state bio major with scholarship to come in February. Hack changed one week before she got the acceptance.