Clemson Class of 2024

@RidleyBCHS Exactly. Finding out today versus finding out in two weeks is not a huge deal. We’ve already waited for months; two more weeks is nothing comparatively.

@drewh02 i applied because it was really the only school that checked off all of my boxes. I can easily say that it is my top, and considering my stats might JUST get me in(quite a toss up), I hope I am admitted for it would mean it might be where I belong!

@studentn1320 It sounds like you’re pretty passionate about the school! Wishing you look for Clemson and any other schools you’ve applied to! Are you an OOS student?

I guess all it would take would be one person to see that the message has NOT changed - then we would know that the hack is still is accurate?

Yep. Just one. ?

@Anonymous520 Has your hack changed?

@Lacole03 If someone honestly cared that much, it wouldn’t be too hard to write some code to run all possible combinations through the system and see what it returns.

No one cares that much.
I was simply responding to the prior post.

@Lacole03 Of course. Still think it would be ironic to hack the hack.

Some Tigertown Bound envelopes are in the mail. A friend just posted her accepted daughter holding her envelope received today. Good luck! Go Tigers!

I’ve entered a few completely random numbers into the thing and all of them have said the same thing

The chances of you typing in the sequence of #’s that would match your CU# to get a different response is pretty slim.

When did majority of acceptances start coming out last year?

@drewh02 Indeed I am OOS

Yea, but I was entering random numbers and they all said the same thing as everyone else. Even numbers that don’t start with a “C”. So, my point is…I don’t think this “hack thing” works anymore. EVERYTHING entered is saying it doesn’t match the token on record. Not just CUID’s

@Heather29301 You’re saying that letters, not just numbers, in the activation code input box, return the same message?

@studentn1320 Me too! What state?

Yes. I just entered “Oindhsyg” and it said that my token did not match the one on record.

Clemson finally hacked their own hack. Frankly, I’m shocked it took them all these years to finally put an end to it.

Move on, wait for the letter.

That’s exciting, @pegagain! Do you know if your friend saw a change in the hack earlier this week?