Clemson Class of 2024

You are very sweet Drew. She is pretty zen about it all, probably doesn’t know to be looking for it. As for my sister, that’s another story… thank you again!

wait listed pretty much means ur not in

Has anyone’s hack that WORKED early last week result in a denial? Hacks worked on Tuesday for me, but nothing in the mail today in MA.

Son accepted today - OOS (Maryland)
General Engineering
SAT 1440 (680 verbal/760 math)
6 AP’s, other classes mostly honors
2 sports x 4 years, clubs, peer advisor
3.73 GPA, school doesn’t rank
No merit

Also just accepted to Maryland, and will go there due to lack of merit from Clemson.

The small white envelope was indeed a wait list letter. Good luck to all on getting your decisions soon!

Waitlisted in CT.

Waitlist does NOT mean you did not get in, it depends on the year. Take a look at the data I posted on #1228 for past few years. It’s form the actual Clemson Common Data Sets on their website.

BA or BS. Last year BA was easier to get in.


Daughter accepted today for FALL 2020 START! - OOS (Virginia-Charlottesville area)
Graphic Communications (first choice)
ACT 28
3.958 WGPA, school doesn’t rank
7 AP/dual enrollment.
Yearbook leadership and steady job for 1.5 years

Anyone in the western states receive a decision yet?

@katcap Congratulations to your daughter! I’m also from the Charlottesville area; what school does she attend?

Has anyone that applied to Performing Arts heard yet? The auditions were January 25th so we are hoping that maybe those admission decisions are coming on the later end?

@drewh02 Western Albemarle, and you?

@katcap William Monroe.

Northern VA, got waitlisted. I almost wish that I had applied regular decision because I didn’t know that Clemson doesn’t do deferrals until after I applied, so they won’t be seeing my S1 grades which were very good- my GPA was the one thing that wasn’t very strong about my application. Bummed because Clemson was my #1, but I’m trying to see the positive and hope that the waitlist will somehow work out.

Daughter accepted OOS CT, Hacked changed on Thurs or Fri, letter came today!

@LivD99 the hack changed on Thurs or Fri to say does not match our records, letter came today, were in CT. Good Luck!

D accepted in CA for Engineering!
Does Clemson give any need based aid to OOS students?
Our FAFSA EFC is 9500 but when we run the net price calculator it gives us zero need based aid with a net price of 53,000.

can you be accepted and it would be to a 2nd choice major?

If anyone else got bridged to Clemson and would like to reach out to me please feel free!! My Instagram is @ lydybird.