Clemson Class of 2024

@curioustyler Continue to express your interest at Clemson and if you can swing it you may even want to visit again and meet with admissions. I think their yield for out of state is like 17% so many will decline and you may find yourself coming off the waitlist. You may have to be willing to consider a summer or bridge offer however. If you had considered other majors as well you could let them know that you were also interested in XYZ… maybe then you could switch back into what you wanted later. Last year they admitted over 400 people off the wait list but some years that number is low.

mom.3.x, that is the highest ACT score I’ve seen so far for the summer program. Is your daughter going to consider? Does she want Clemson “badly enough” to go for it? Thanks for sharing -

Cookiemom17 - did you figure out the waitlist thing? Apologies for the delay!

@Harding yes I did, thank you!

Cookiemom17 hope your kid go the answer she/he was hoping for!

My child has a 30 ACT, 1320 SAT with 3.5 GPA OOS. He will be doing the summer bound program. His #1 choice is Clemson and he does have other great options. Did those that were waitlisted rather than offered summer program check that they would be willing to do the summer bound program if on the bubble?

Based on my daughter’s stats and being in-state, we were expecting my daughter would be offered the Bridge option. We were pleasantly surprised she was offered admission through the summer bound program. Her WGPA is good (4.3) but on the lower end of Clemson stats. SAT less than 1200. We have no idea what put her in the summer bound group instead of Bridge, but we are excited she will be at Clemson in the Fall!

Did anyone else not receive their decision letter in the mail yet?

Got letter today. Accepted!!

@tigersden Congratulations!!!

I still have not received mine

My son applied/auditioned for the audio tech concentration in the music program. No word yet.

Son got his packet today with unspecified scholarship!
OOS CS major
4.2 weighted GPA
1350 SAT
7 APs (2 4s, the rest 5s)
Varsity co captain soccer
Sole nominee from HS for Governor’s School Engineering and Tech
Computing medal (1 of 2)
Lots of clubs, 2 honor societies
Volunteer and work exp.
Good luck to all!

The hack also worked for my son. About 10 days or 2 weeks before receiving his packet it changed.

Did the tiger day hack work for people who received the summer bound program?

Accepted today! OOS MA, 31 ACT, 2.91 total GPA, no class rank, pre-business. Both hacks worked last week.

Hi! I’ve just been following along the last couple of weeks. From what I’ve seen here, I don’t think you can go by stats alone. My daughter was accepted for Business with lower test scores than many I’ve seen. We attended Bring Your Daughter to Clemson Weekend (for women alumni) a couple of years ago and were told they look at 6 things:
3)Test scores
4)Academic rigor…they’d rather see a B in AP than an A in college prep. They do consider if your school simply doesn’t offer as many though.
5)Choice of major…some are simply more competitive than others. Also said, don’t apply for something you see as an easy in if there is nothing in your background that indicates an interest. They used agriculture as an example…
6)Legacy status…it’s a small factor, but still a factor. Said Bridge spots typically go to legacy kids first.

For my daughter,

  1. GPA 3.875/4.858
  2. 49 of 402
  3. 1190 SAT
  4. 7 AP classes, otherwise Honors when available
  5. Business…and I made sure she took available business classes in high school
  6. 2 alumni parents

Oh and we are also in state. It’s CRAZY how competitive Clemson has gotten! I was a strong student but I didn’t even apply anywhere else because I knew I’d get in. I don’t think I’d get in now!

@laradelvecchio Have not heard either. I know they will not tell you the decision over the phone, but I hoping they might resend the information. Our two neighbors heard last Saturday; one accepted and one denied with two different majors. My son applied to Political Science. 8 APS, 1470 SAT lots of extracurriculars, top 10 % at a competitive high school.

@Harding not what we hoped for. Keeping options open and hoping to be off waitlist. Thank you for asking

Is anyone still waiting to be notified?