Clemson Class of 2024

Even if only based on that, his SAT was 1430 so thought that would be worth something haha

Merit is based on SAT/ACT, GPA, class rank and rigor of classes. There is no essay to write and Clemson doesn’t care about ECs, work, etc.

You are partially correct. Merit $ is based on SAT/ACT and class rank. It is on the Clemson site, it also states you will be considered, not guaranteed.

It also depends on class rank

Ok so SAT 1430 and class rank 22/202 so just about 10%
not a cent of merit money. Was just a little surprised.

In state or out of state?

From Clemson website. The key is it states “considered” not guaranteed. From parents I have spoken with OOS who have shown demonstrated interested were accepted & got merit. I know it has been said they don’t track, but I do not believe that for a minute. We spent 2 days there and my DD met with an admissions counselor. We watched them enter her name and take notes. Over the two days we were there they kept saying they have an open door policy. I told my DD, if this is where you want to go you need to go speak with admissions. After we left see was happy she did.

kittycat1203 wrote: »
Ok so SAT 1430 and class rank 22/202 so just about 10%
not a cent of merit money. Was just a little surprised.

In state or out of state?

OOS. Just a little strange how some schools have offered him nice merit scholarships and others nothing
all of the schools ranked around the same. Guess some just have larger budgets to give than others. It’s fine though
he has some really good options. Was just wondering if anyone else was surprised with absolutely zero merit because it seemed as if everyone was posting that their merit was lower than they hoped.

Budget is part of it. The initiative of the school to lure strong OOS students is another. Some states are more focused on keeping the in-state tuition rates lower, so that’s where their money goes.

In order to request a roommate for housing, do they have to apply for housing and pay the fee?

My daughter is instate, accepted into the honors college. She had a 1500 SAT and 5.1 GPA. She got $1000 in aid. She was disappointed considering other offers. Any other in state students in the same boat?

I thought there were in state scholarship that come out later. I have seen it posted before Palmetto & something else.

We are OOS and not eligible, so I didn’t pay close attention

@Desderata My son has exact same stats as your daughter and he also got into honors. His IRoar aid only showed Life scholarship and the loan. His school has not yet sent in the final paperwork for Palmetto Fellows to CHE. I’ve emailed a couple of times since yesterday with the Financial Aid office. What they told me was once they receive notification from CHE for Palmetto Fellows they will update iRoar aid. They said all Palmetto Fellows will receive the Palmetto Pact scholarship and they will also review all Fellows for Presidential scholarship and other potential scholarships. So fingers crossed.

That’s great to hear! I called today and they didn’t mention any of that. Her Iroar also only showed LIFE as well. Do you know what the Palmetto Pact scholarship is?

Also, wouldn’t they know these kids are Palmetto Fellows due to their SAT scores?

I was thinking the same thing yesterday. They just evaluated them and decided the kids are worthy of honors yet their aid package doesn’t reflect what they will be ultimately getting. I guess they have someone following a process and they plan to stick to it. It would be nice to know somewhat accurate $$ now given that we have all of our acceptances and are starting to evaluate and make a final decision.

I don’t know what Pact and or Presidential scholarships are worth. I think I recall reading somewhere that one of them was $1500 last year. Other than that information seems scarce on them.

@Desderata @NQCowboy my son is in state. 1550 SAT, 5.1 GPA, NMF, 2020 US presidential scholar candidate. Rejected from honors college. But, his aid package already lists pact and presidential scholarships. Combined they total $2000 a year. Maybe they offer more to honors college?

Unfortunately there is no scholarship $ tied to Honors college acceptance and you actually have to pay an extra $1000 per year to participate. Added to that, the honors dorms are on the pricier side. So if we accept honors (which is part of the draw to Clemson for D20) our bill will be a few thousand more than we planned. Lots to think about!!

@mebmama I was just throwing that out there, since my son’s shows the scholarships and theirs don’t. His does still show Life, instead of Palmetto Fellows. It’s weird that his would be complete and others aren’t.

My son’s also still shows Life instead of Palmetto but he also has Pres and Pact listed