Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

I hope so. I’m honestly baffled that they would defer kids who have earned palmetto fellows.

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Are you in state? My daughter is Palmetto Fellows (in state) and I’m wondering how much the academic scholarship might be.

Son was accepted with scholarship as a microbiology major, we’re in state. 5.2 gpa, 1230 SAT, several dual enrollment classes, 4 years honors Spanish, all the health science classes offered, but only 1 AP class. 2 varsity sports, nhs, and palmetto fellow. He’s in the top 10 of his class at a large high school. I felt like he would probably get deferred due to the lack of APs and was excited to see the acceptance plus scholarship offer. I’m guessing the Spanish and health classes he took for fun helped with Clemson’s consideration.

Clemson is not his first choice but the financial offer has him reconsidering.

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This page has all of the state info:

“The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship is a merit-based program recognizing the most academically talented high school seniors and encouraging these students to attend college in the state. Palmetto Fellows may receive up to $6,700 their freshman year and up to $7,500 for their sophomore, junior and senior years . Half of the scholarship is awarded in the fall term and half in the spring term.“

It goes up to $10,000 for STEM majors for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year.

Clemson may give a little money to some on top of this, but not much.

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Yes palmetto fellows is only for instate kids. My older son was accepted in 2020 and they gave him another 4500 on top of it but he went out of state for college. I think they give a minimum of 3000 extra to palmetto fellows

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For those thinking “the majority” of kids got deferred, 4/5 students D23 knows at our OOS high school got in. People on these boards have told me that Clemson is “so competitive” but we also know three kids from our high school got in last year. Maybe the AOs prefer certain areas or know their yield will be better for certain kids from certain schools. There’s so much insider info people don’t know and NUMBERS that we don’t know.


I don’t understand how you get to a 5.2 gpa? It is my understanding Admissions at Clemson and other colleges recalculate the applicants GPA and don’t use the one on their HS transcript to get to an apples to apples comp.

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That’s great. My child’s in-state high school that is highly competitive had a ton of deferrals. You are right that people are certainly confused about the criteria.


That’s just OP’s weighted GPA. Clemson recalculates, but we don’t the exact method. SC grades on a 5.0 scale

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My kid got into Engr with scholarship offer coming in March - whatever that means!
OOS 4.0 UW, 8 APs, 1520 SAT

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Palmetto Fellow and accepted into Computer Science (B.S.). 1250 SAT 5.0/6 GPA. 3/250 class rank. Submitted a personal essay, additional information essay and resume. A couple serious ECs and as an immigrant that moved countries and several states.

With those stats he will probably be in the highest OOS merit category - two years ago it was $12,500. Not sure what the SAT cut off is? Merit has been going down so it will be interesting to see what that means this year. Clemson OOS is almost 40k a year tuition so even the max amount makes it only slightly cheaper than full freight at many state schools (UGA, UNC, Florida, etc).

For those of you deferred that didn’t submit scores, if you were in the middle range will you now submit?

Has Clemson put out any stats on for the pool of EA accepted students? Would be interesting to see since the acceptances and deferrals seem all over the place in terms of GPA and SAT scores.


We are actually on a crazy 6.0 scale in SC, but it is not possible to have that at the end because classes like PE and health are not weighted at all.

This would be great to know.

That would be great if they share that info.

Daughter accepted! With scholarship offer in March.
Rank top 10% large public school
4.5 Weighted
33 on ACT
12 APs/ AP Scholar
Varsity/Club sport athlete
Founder/President of charitable club
NHS Officer
100+ volunteer hours
Good Luck to those deferred!!

For all of those who have been accepted - did anyone NOT get the promise of a scholarship? Did all of those who get scholarships mark they are pursuing aid/scholarships in the commonapp? My daughter was accepted OOS but there was no mention of scholarship or aid (we are not international). We also did mark off however that we do not need aid - just curious though because it seems like everyone is being offered a scholarship.


My OOS daughter was accepted with no mention of a scholarship.