Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

Also, if you join an LLC you will get priority after Honors students. LLC moves you up the priority list regardless of when your application went in. my son joined CUBS (Business LLC) as an incoming freshman in 2020.

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So did my sophomore! Clemson was a last minute application, she was definitely going to end up in the shoeboxes, so she joined CUBS too, and felt it was very helpful (she’s now in honors and also feels it is worth it).


Ok thank you!

So if you did EA and are in the Honors College you basically get highest priority regardless of when you do the enrollment and housing application?

My daughter is both EA (admitted) and Honors College. Pretty sure she submitted application late September.

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My junior at Clemson loved the Shoeboxes as a freshman. Best location and lowest cost. His roommate had a very high priority from applying early. I heard there are plans to knock them down but if they’re still an option it’s worth it, and to be part of history before they’re gone! Go Tigers.


My oldest is also a junior, and he loved the shoeboxes too!


This is the first year with EA, but I think honors get priority.


Honestly I think she would’ve loved living there, she’s extremely social and loves going to games, parties and bars. She is living in epoch this year and wishes she was in her sorority dorm because it’s much more social. Definitely not a homebody.

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Very cool. My son now lives in the twice displaced, infamous, Dockside! But, with all Clemson kids, they seem happy anywhere.


She moving to Earle next semester so at least she can walk places (no car). Dockside seems to be a bit unlucky!


We were told that because so many more out of state students accepted their offer last year than ever before, they had to increase their in state regular decision admissions. They need more in state % to meet funding requirements. Many of the southern schools (South Carolina, Clemson, Virginia) over enrolled in the freshman class last year and need to get their in state admissions in order. So they deferred more out of state students and they ate waiting longer for a decision. It’s hard to explain to the kids bc they are waiting on pins and needles. What they didn’t tell us is % of deferred that they will admit. Hopefully they will release before March 1 but 56,000 applications is a lot to go through. Good luck to everyone’s kids.


Yes, Honors gets first pick for housing regardless of when they put in their application.

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What does HC stand for?

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Honors College


Last year, Clemson said decisions will be released my mid Feb and were released Feb 10 at around 6pm.

This year they said by March 1st. Do you guys think it will be later than later year?


Yes, they have more applications to review.

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Okay so just to confirm I understand correctly- Honors College kids get priority whether they choose the honors dorm or not?

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Looks like it will be March 1st and not sooner based on yesterday’s Instagram post.

What did they post?

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Yes Honors college first, then LLCs, then all others based on date of submitted application. Students get a time and date to go online and choose their accommodation. If sharing, both will get a times lot, but the person who has the earliest time can choose for both. Good to look ahead at the building floor plans and have 3 or 4 choices lined up. Overall Clemson accommodation is very nice.