Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

I would guess similar time to EA, rolling around 6/7pm day of


Has a date been announced?

They said March 1


Do some people still don’t have a withdraw button on the Clemson portal? I have a withdraw button, and am trying to figure out if it is a good sign

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We have it on the portal as well.

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I have one, do some people not have one?

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DD hasn’t had withdraw button since portal changed. Not sure if that is good or bad!

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How did the portal change? Seems like it looks the same to me, although hard to know for sure. Pretty sure withdraw button was always there.

DD was early action and deferred. Around 2/1, portal changed to regular decision and could no longer change major. Withdraw option went away too.


What were her stats if you don’t mind?

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DS withdraw button is still there. Was deferred EA.

You may have done this already, but did you try logging in from different devices? I have heard that sometimes the portal acts/looks differently on different platforms.

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Pretty sure you can always withdraw your application so I don’t know why the button would go away. Not sure about the changing major difference. My son does not have that option but don’t really remember that he ever did.

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Not showing on mobile. Private HS, OOS, 3.7UW, 4.1W, TO, great ECs, 250+ community service hours, great essays and LOCI. Business or undecided major.

Hoping it wasn’t a quick no!

Deferred here, can’t change major but still has withdraw button and application plan changed to RD.

Our Edit term and withdraw button still there and always been there from what I recall. We were deferred too. Trying not to read into anything. This is his #1 and reach, so far we are in 8 colleges so far of the 12, but Clemson is the top. GOOO Tigers!

To those deferred: did you(or your kid/student) supply any additional information or change your application to be considered for the Summer Start program?

Supplied some updated info but not summer start

Yes. LOCI, 7th semester grades, resume, and additional recommendation.

DD stat’s definitely lower than those admitted EA. Tried to spice up everything we could.

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Yes additional recommendation, grades yes

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