Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

We did the same. Anything we could think of. :>

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Best of luck! Clemson was my oldest sonā€™s #1 reach a few years ago, and he got in and loves it. Hoping for a similar outcome for second son. Go Tigers :tiger2:!


I guess I should answer my own question- mine submitted a LOCI but it was more of an essay on what Clemson means to him and why he wants to attend the school. He also checked the summer start box.

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We are in the deferred pool as well. S applied EA so it has been a lonnnngg wait!

Question to those that have attended / visitedā€¦ how is the general noise level of the campus? For what is a beautiful campus and country, I was appalled at the landscaping noise right outside of academic building, amongst students sitting and reading all around our tour there were men using antiquated old loud 2stroke gas leafblowers. I counted over half a dozen of them just wandering around blowing a leaf or two. For an engineering modern thinking school how about getting them some electric? I couldnā€™t believe the noise level. Our guide had to stop multiple times and apologize as these guys didnā€™t care they blasted away. One guy was right next to us trying to get 5 leaves out from under a shrub for over a few minutes.

I was so looking forward to seeing this school and everything I had heard about itā€™s beauty but this ruined all of it.

Others experience ?

We have visited several times over the last few years and I havenā€™t experienced that. However, we have also been there on game weekends and it can be loud then but thatā€™s to be expected.


When we toured with my oldest in April of 2019, I actually commented to the tour guide about all the construction noise since thereā€™s been, and continues to be, so much growth. It was my only concern about Clemson from our visit. I recall the guide saying thereā€™s plenty of quiet time and it wasnā€™t an issue for him or that he had heard from others complaining. My oldest is now a junior there and absolutely loves it. He hasnā€™t complained about the noise either, but heā€™s also not phased by much, sometimes to his detriment :roll_eyes:. Iā€™d be very pleased if his deferred ā€˜23 brother gets in and decides to go. Selfishly, Iā€™d love to keep visiting when we can and have the two of them overlap a year. Thereā€™s just a great vibe about Clemson.


I have a child there and noise hasnā€™t been a complaint. There is construction, but many colleges go through that as they improve and expand on existing structures.

As the saying goes about Clemson: There is something in these hills. Plenty of alumni and parents can attest to that.


Good to know. Maybe we were just unlucky and it was leaf blower day lol

And just remember March 1 may not even tell us one way or the other, because then you can enter the waitlist pool. I know many kids who got notified late April they were selected off the waitlist!

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I relate to all of this! When we visited for the first time in 2019, there was lots of construction going on where the Wilber and Ann Powers business wing now is. However, that is all done now and it looks beautiful. I would selfishly like to continue to be able to visit as well and my oldest, who is a junior is hoping to be able to visit his brother in future years after his graduation, too! It is a special place.

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Ugh, donā€™t jinx us. :rofl: Many of us appear to be from the UTK contingent as well. :crazy_face:


This will give him very good odds of being accepted. And itā€™s a fantastic program. My daughter applied specifically for Summer Start last year. She had the option to switch to fall, but still chose to start in the summer and had the most amazing experience.


Does everyoneā€™s portal say ā€œawaiting decisionā€ at the bottom?

Yes - I believe it has said awaiting decision since the application was completed.


less than a week. :> last one for us and the biggest. Anyone else? Go Tigers.


My daughter was deferred from nursing too

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Yep. Same here. We assumed Clemson would be a target school for DS. Now not so sure. I guess things have a way of working out for a reason, but weā€™re still keeping fingers crossed.


Good Luck. We have some amazing back up colleges already in at, but this one has his heart.


Same here. Just Clemson and our in-state decisions left. Clemson is her #1 choice. Good luck everyone.


Same here. We were feeling positive about our sonā€™s odds prior to getting deferred from EA. We have no idea how it will turn out: deny, waitlist, bridge, summer, accepted? Could go any way!