Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread


31 ACT
4.29 Weighted GPA
IB Diploma Candidate
Varsity Football

Is this the new normal for the south?

Iā€™m seeing so many waitlists and so few rejections that I think these schools know that while they may be getting a ton of high-stat applicants, the high-stat kids probably will end up elsewhere. Maybe theyā€™re expecting to a take a lot of waitlisted students.


Psych Major
OOS 4.05W GPA /UW 3.6
Varsity athlete/captain for 3 seasons
Part Time Job and many volunteer hours
Showed the school no love (Did not visit, reach out to her AO, or write a LOCI after getting deferred in EA) and it was a reach, so not surprising.

I think theyā€™re guessing wrong, but I get your point.

My son is moving on to U of SC and/or Wofford, and potentially NC State.

These schools are not guessing correctly b/c they have too many applicants to get to know - especially their motivations, their likely competitors etc.

Some school is going to get caught holding a horrible yield bag this cycle.


I believe it is :frowning:

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Accepted OOS
4.5 Weighted GPA
1530 SAT
9 AP, all others honors
Varsity baseball
Lots of EC but no leadership roles
Waiting on Honors College response



3.6, 3.9W
8 APs
Band, Robotics, Job, Volunteering

Was given the summer start, but that wonā€™t work for him as heā€™ll be out of the country.

So not sure whatā€™s going to happen next.


Agreed. Clemson is definitely hedging that risk with their waitlist.

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Is Summer start the same as Bridge? Son offered Bridge and has rejected out of hand; wondering if he should consider if Clemson the ultimate goal? DD is a sophomore at CU.

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What does that mean exactly - that they are concerned not enough admitted will say yes so they took more on waitlist? Those kids wonā€™t know til June and by then they could very much be happy with alternate choice they madeā€¦

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Same here, same stats WL. She also went to uofsc Admit Day and loved it. Also trying to move her along to either uofsc or JMU. Waiting for financials to commit.

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Iā€™m sure there are more than enough kids thatā€™ll say goodbye to their alternate schools if Clemson comes calling and Clemson knows that.

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ACT 32
GPA 98/100
NHS,French HS,TriM honors. 4 years marching , concert and jazz bands, swim team, leadership, peer tutoring,science league, paid job.

Accepted with summer start. Doesnā€™t want that so, Clemson likely off the list.
Heā€™s also accepted at University of FL, Virginia tech , PSU, Pitt and others that he would chose over Clemson at this point.

What a crazy admission cycle.Looking at all these waitlists and denials- no way to understand. Best of luck to all, they are ALL amazing and will have great futures no matter where they land!:blush:

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Maybe but considering their data set said only 6 kids total got off waiting list, it may be time for all to move onā€¦


Has anyone admitted gotten the financial package yet?

No- probably will not be out until mid to late March.

OOS here and WL. Daughter Applied in Construction Science which is capped. In at JMU. 4.2 GPA Tope 20, NHS, earned EMT certification and XO of Jr ROTC. WL at Va Tech also. Hoping for some wait list relief from Clemson

Itā€™s a money maker for the university. They know people will pay if they really want to go. It frees up space in fall gen ed classes.

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The Bridge Program is different. The kids live on campus in Bridge housing but attend Tri-State for 1 year.

If you look at last yearā€™s stats - 52,818 applicants with 4,705 ultimately enrolled freshmen - and then assume an even higher number of applicants for this yearā€¦.itā€™s a tough task for Clemson to make their selections and very frustrating for all these great kids wanting to attend.
In addition, one of the high rise dorms will be closed for renovations this year, so Iā€™m wondering if the freshman class may be smaller than last years.

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