Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

No - freshman class won’t be smaller. But less sophomores received on-campus housing in the lottery last month to make up for it.


Got it, that makes more sense than reducing the freshman class.
My son wants to be in RISE, and is excited to see that it has relocated to Mickel Hall for this upcoming year. Seems to be a great dorm and bonus that it overlooks the stadium.

Someone said there were 66,000 applications this year?? :woman_shrugging:t2:


That’s an incredible improvement! He will love Mickel and Rise is a fantastic program.


60,000 for 4,600 spots

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Bridge Program - In-State. Does anyone have any older children/siblings who started in Bridge? Would love any feedback. Son is pretty sold on UofSC but is wondering if he should consider Bridge.


There is a Clemson class of 2027 parents Facebook page with a lot of discussion on Bridge and Summer start. Seems to be well recommended.
We have a friend whose son did Bridge and they speak highly of it, but I don’t have any details.


They are two different programs. Summer start allows the student to obtain 6 credits via two courses during the summer on campus at Clemson before entering in the fall. My son did the “on-line” summer start program in 2020 due to covid. The Bridge program is offered as a guaranteed way to transfer to Clemson 2nd year. Bridge Students live on Clemson Campus in Lightsey or Calhoun Courts dorms and take their classes at Tri-County community college. There is a shuttle to take them there. The guaranteed 2nd year transfer is based on taking 30 credit and maintaining a 2.5GPA. I don’t believe Bridge students are eligible to participate in Greek life until they transfer to Clemson. One of the downsides for OOS students is the cost, it’s far more expensive than most would pay to do CC in their state.

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Only 6 from last year? I actually know of two, and I’m not even in state. So, I question that accuracy of that.

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could be inaccurate - it was data set released in 2020…

Also wasn’t last year the year they were surprised by more out of state acceptances than expected? Use of waitlist can vary a lot year to year. I would expect Clemson, like other schools with big increases in popularity, admitted conservatively and is probably more likely to go to waitlist than in previous years.

found this - - looks like way more than 6!

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Wait - i take that back - says 11 were admitted off waitlist last year - over 4,000 put on it…


Makes sense. I do know two who were offered spots from the waitlist in June 2022. One of them attends Clemson and is having a great year. There are definitely some who want it badly enough to change gears late in the game like that. My daughter loved it, but also loved USC, so I am not sure if a late admission would tempt her. Ironically, her older sister was admitted to Clemson last year, and didn’t like it at all when we visited. One person’s trash is another one’s treasure, I guess!

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2nd choice major: Chemistry (First choice was General Engineering)
OOS 4.2W GPA /UW 3.8
Did not submit scores
8 AP/ 8 Honors
Rho Kappa NHS
300+ community service hours
Has worked a part-time for the last 1.5 years

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Crazy high stats for a summer start. Congratulations. You think she will take summer start?

OOS, Son was deferred from EA and Accepted yesterday.

3.5 GPA, 1 AP
Did not submit test score
Major: Political Sci
Varsity Sports: Jr. and Sr. Soccer; Soph, Jr, and Sr. Baseball
Community service hours, Soph. Ski Scout, Jr. and Sr. Ski Patrol


Int’l kid got in with:
GPA: 4/4
SAT/ACT: Optional
Major: Biology
Varsity Sports: Swimming
Won multiple int’l competitions, including world’s best biology related Olympiad’s .

OOS, Son was deferred from EA and Accepted yesterday for Summer Start.
3.9 unweighted, 4.3 weighted
Numerous APs, Dual Enrollment
Major: Computer Science
Internship w/ Cybersecurity company
Captain of Varsity Hockey and Lacrosse including Academic All-American for Lacrosse last Spring
Works part time
Officer for NHS and Key Club and starting a few clubs/initiatives at school as well
No aid provided by school yet

Inclined to do the summer start as it’s his top pick. But also got into CS at VT and accepted at College of Charleston and a few schools out west.


Thank you. It’s my son, but no. Clemson doesn’t really have his major - Marine Biology, so it was an option only if others didn’t work out. But, thankfully he has good choices that do have MB. I’m guessing the summer start acknowledges us trying to fit a square peg in a round hole! :joy: