Clemson Class of 2027 Official Thread

It seems to me that there’s a huge gap between GT/UGA and the rest of the schools in state. So people are looking at Clemson, Auburn, Alabama, etc., with the brand recognition and big school experience…maybe “UGA lite”, although I don’t think people realize how hard it has become to get into Clemson. Also OOS at these schools is still cheaper than private and a lot of people have a strong preference for large state universities over private schools, for any number of reasons.


I think one reason why Clemson has so many students from the northeast (besides weather) is because northeast flagships tend to be expensive and not generous at all with merit, so you might as well be warm (and go somewhere different).


All of the Northeast flagships are less instate than Clemson OOS at this point and Clemson is holding their own with OOS costs for full pay based on a few quick searches.

OOS Direct Costs (Tuition, room,board, some fees)
Clemson $50,400
Rutgers $47,872
UMass $55,056
Penn State $51,635
UConn 57,030

Some Southern U Flagships are still a savings with OOS costs and merit offers, but not Clemson.

Even for instate students, Clemson loses some students to better offers at OOS Flagships.

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I have seen your posts on several college pages so clearly our kids applied to the same schools! Curious, did your son ever come off the Kelley waitlist? Congrats to your daughter!

I would love to hear from those of you who were admitted to Clemson, what other schools were on your list and where you were accepted/denied? S24 has Clemson on his list, as well as several SEC schools. I know this year in particular has been brutal and the acceptance rate has dropped dramatically, especially for OOS which we will be for all his schools. We are visiting Auburn, Alabama, and Clemson next week and super excited, though he is scared to fall in love with Clemson after this year’s admissions results :frowning:

Have fun on your tours! All great schools!
My son was admitted to Clemson EA and will be attending this fall for business.
Applied for business and accepted EA to all schools he applied:

Clemson EA
Virginia Tech EA
Penn State- University Park EA
University of South Carolina EA
University of Florida -OOS can only apply RD, but he applied in Oct-
Florida State University-OOS can only apply RD, but he applied in Oct

Reach out if you have any questions!


My S23 was accepted EA into Clemson microbiology (biomed focus) and just committed. He is OOS (CA) and in addition to the usual CA schools, had a similar OOS list as the previous poster:
UGA- deferred then denied
FSU- accepted RD
William and Mary- denied RD
U of South Carolina- accepted EA
U-Maryland - accepted RD
Penn State - accepted EA
Georgia Tech - denied RD
U-Mass - accepted RD

Did anyone in this group appeal their Clemson decision (rejection or Bridge acceptance)…? First round of notifications are released this week. Can people post their results as you find out?


Looks like there’s been movement from Waitlist into the Clemson Bridge …

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S23 committed to Clemson for computer science. He applied to the school of engineering at all of the schools except UNC (no engineering):

Clemson EA - deferred then admitted
Va Tech EA - admitted
SMU EA - admitted w lots of merit $
Tennessee EA - deferred then WL
NC State EA - deferred then WL

We are in state NC so we’re surprised about NCSU and still SMH over UT.

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My S23 was accepted EA in the business school and received $6500 merit scholarship. My older son (S21) is a business major and honors college at Clemson. My son will be going to UNC chapel hill as we are in NC.

Clemson EA
NC State EA
UNC Charlotte EA
USC EA in state merit and Capstone


I just saw what your daughter saw in the portal and it was referring to transfer applicants. It said they accept applications for transfer until they are full and they are full for summer and fall 2023.

Anyone on waitlist see a change in their portal to now say Awaiting Decision?


Just got in off waitlist!


Congratulations! What major?

I just sent an email to an admissions counselor I had previously sent a LOCI to after being waitlisted and today I received a notification that I had a status update. I got summer start admission to Clemson and will be attending! Go tigers!


Summer start
Business :blush:


My daughter got off the waitlist for a summer start too. We know nothing about that other than the dates. Do they live in dorms? How many classes do they take? We will do some research but sort of in shock and have to make a quick decision.



Letter says 2 classes. My daughter committed elsewhere though