I am looking to apply to Clemson’s Nursing program and I noticed that they require a fine arts credit. While I have had a very challenging course load, I have not taken an art class. Will this be a deal breaker when I apply?
Did you take any music classes?
Its recommended and not required, so if the rest of your application is solid enough it shouldn’t be an absolute deal breaker.
Why don’t you contact Clemson admissions and ask. Nobody here can answer your question with certainly.
I did not and I did email them but I was just wondering if anyone had any personal with this type of thing
The state of SC has a fine arts requirement (or really strong recommendation) for HS graduation so most in-state applicants have this. Here you can satisfy this with several types of classes. Definitely call the admissions office at Clemson to see how they evaluate OOS students who might not have taken the right class.
There was a similar thread a year ago regarding having 2 years of a foreign language or the recommended 3 years. In the end, it did not affect the OPs admission negatively, but I agree that the best way to get an accurate answer is to contact Clemson’s admissions office.
okay thank you scmom12 I will definitely do that