Clemson Waitlist 2022 (2026)

Wanted to start at class of 2026 Clemson waitlist forum for 2022 decisions since my son will be will be navigating being waitlisted for a few month. And go…


Here. GPA 3.8 UW. TO OOS. Communications, second choice was undeclared. Varsity Captain two sports. Part time job, 400 volunteer hours, music art scholar, other EC. Strong essay and letters


OOS. 3.76 UW, 5.3 W. 1250 SAT. Health Science 1st choice/Biology 2nd.

4 years Varsity Swim (2 years as Captain), 300+ service hours, 5 AP + 15 college credits from dual credit, Biomedical Sciences program and EC.

Will ride out the waitlist for now but Clemson was first choice as we are relocating from TX to Upstate SC in June.

OOS Maine 4.0 UW TO - 1st Business/ 2nd Sports Communications (probably shouldn’t have put that one down given insights in forums)

3 AP, 6 IB, NHS, all the usual stuff…4 year of sports, vartisy captain, clubs, job, volunteering, etc. Same as everyone, lol. Letters, etc.

Will ride out as well.

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Got an email from Admissions today that WL updates will be June 1st! Just so you know as your students picks a school by 5/1 or sooner.

What was the context of the email? Had you emailed you AO or was it generic?

OOS California
Psychology BS (second choice BA)
3.83 UW 8 AP
two varsity sports
volunteer strong EC
Test Optional

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My son emailed the Clemson Admission team directly and the person said only after 6/1 will they release WL after they calculate the number of students committing by 5/1.

Cool they got right back to him. Did he email a generic email address or his ‘local’ AO? We had a few questions but not sure who to email. Guessing the ‘Admissions person’ who covers our state?

Just the Admission main email and they responded the nest morning.

My son had 1320 on SAT, 4.0 GPA, 3 AP’s, Project lead the way college bridge engineering program, played 3 varsity sports, 2 travel sports teams, NHS, numerous volunteer hours, school clubs and a summer job lifeguarding. I don’t get it. We are out of state from up north so I don’t know if there is alot more interest this year from out of staters. But who can wait until June to hear back from them. Its all crazy.

Mine had a friend accepted with lower stats. Not much lower but lower and no sports, so I’ve given up wondering lol. Is too bad as she needed the win. Was deferred for her ED1

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My daughter has a 4.0 (96 GPA) two varsity sports, captain of both and multiple leadership development programs. Got waitlisted and a student from her school got accepted with an 88 GPA.

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Our school counselor called Clemson admissions after waitlist notification and Clemson admissions told him that they received 50k applications this year.


We are waitlist too. Can you expand on sport communication comment? That was my son’s first choice. Pleasantly surprised by waitlist as a friend with better grades/classes was denied. We are OOS. Hoping all kids end up in best place for them.


It’s because Sports Communications is a closed major meaning the number of acceptances is capped each year. It’s the hardest major to get accepted into as they only accept around 20 applicants per year and a number of those are made up of recruited athletes that choose that major.

My son had almost identical credentials - we were shocked that he was waitlisted. Trying to find out if there may be an appeals process now. He’s been accepted to some other really good schools but this one his #1. So frustrating -

More than 1/3 of Clemson students are from OOS, NJ is the 3rd largest population.

What’s even more frustrating is that a kid from my daughter’s school got in with a GPA 6 points lower than hers with similar Extra Cirriculars. But he is a minority student…doesn’t seem fair to me