Clinton Global Initiative University Comes to the U

<p>Just thought I'd mention one of the exciting things that go on at the U. </p>


<p>President Clinton to Host Third Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Meeting at The University of Miami, April 16-18, 2010
Mar 26, 2010</p>

<p>For Immediate Release: March 26, 2010
Contact: Clinton Foundation Press Office, 212.348.0360
<a href=""></a></p>

<p>President Clinton to Host Third Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Meeting at The University of Miami, April 16-18, 2010</p>

<p>President Clinton will bring together over 1,000 students, nearly 100 college and university presidents, youth organizations, athletes, and celebrity-activists including: Paul Farmer, Co-Founder of Partners in Health; Regina Benjamin, U.S. Surgeon General; John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff and President CEO of the Center for American Progress; Donna E. Shalala, University of Miami President and Former Secretary of Health and Human Services; Kalpen Modi, Associate Director, White House Office of Public Engagement; Mayor Bob Dixson, Greenburg, KS; Michelle Norris, NPR;, Usher Raymond, Grammy-winning artist and Founder, Usher’s New Look; Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder of United Farm Workers of America; Joey Cheek, Olympic speed skater; Nnamdi Asomugha, Oakland Raiders cornerback; Alonzo Mourning, Founder, Alonzo Mourning Charities and NBA player; Mandy Moore, Actress and activist; Kenna Zemedkun, Grammy-nominated artist and Executive Director of Summit on the Summit; and Heather Graham, Actress.</p>

<p>Clinton</a> Global Initiative Press Center - Press Releases</p>

<p>Whoo! I can’t wait!</p>


<p>Total speculation here but:</p>

<p>I just found out that Obama will be in Miami Friday night (4/15) for a fund raiser. The Global Initiative opening is Saturday morning (4/16). Seeing that he spoke at the opening of Clinton’s last Global Initiative and that the subject matter is going to focus on Haiti, I would bet money that Obama will be at the UC on Saturday! Should be crazy there!!!</p>

<p>Hmm… It’s not official, and he’s not listed on the schedule… but it could be a surprise. I mean, c’mon, we have two major democratic party leaders there (President Shalala and President Clinton), how can he not? It’s too much of a coincidence… he has to come! :stuck_out_tongue: Hopefully! Is your son or daughter going? I and my friend are and can’t wait. I’m really excited to meet the NPR host of the show “All Things Considered”. I always listen to that show when I wake up in the morning.</p>

<p>Well I don’t know if Obama likes Clinton. One of the reasons he was hesitant to give Hilary a cabinet position is because he was scared it would come with Bill.</p>

<p>Now, even though I am an ardent conservative, having Obama @ the UC would be pretty cool.</p>


<p>My daughter is not interested in this kind of thing at all which makes me crazy because I would kill to be there! She is going on a really cool dive that day where they are taking corals that the Marine School has grown and replanting them in a reef off the coast to try to bring the reef back to a healthy state.</p>

<p>She actually works at the University Center info desk and is swapping her shift on Saturday night so she can do the dive. They are having a dinner for the big wigs at the UC patio that night so she will miss out on all the action. She is happy about this as it will be crazy there that night.</p>


<p>That is all in the past of the primary. Now Obama has done a lot with Bill. He actually spoke at the last opening of Clinton’s Global Initiative meeting. Bill was named by Obama as the special envoy to Haiti, and Obama and Hillary have gotten along very well. </p>

<p>Still nothing but speculation on my part.</p>