Closing Threads in the Cafe

Dear Moderators.
Could you PLEASE reconsider closing old threads in the Parents Cafe. There was one about engagement ring sizes that was just closed. There is NOTHING time sensitive in the thread, and bumping it up for further comment from May (which isn’t that long ago) seems fine. Lots of good info in the thread.

Thank you for reopening the time spent with elderly parents thread…again…timeless info that can and should be bumped up every so often.

I completely understand when four year old threads seeking advice about college choices or financial aid are closed if bumped up after YEARS…

But the Cafe has many topics that will come and go.

It’s sort of like the Passover food thread. It gets bumped up every year…after a year’s hiatus. The recipes are great to read again, and new ones get added. It would be ridiculous to start a NEW thread each year.

So…could you please reconsider the engagement ring thread…open it up.

And also consider looking at the Cafe threads in a slightly different light than the time sensitive threads in the Parents Forum. Obviously if a Cafe thread IS time sensitive (e.g. Looking for vacations for October)…then it should be closed.

Shelley (aka thumper)

^^^I agree with Thumper. Numerous threads are being closed and they seem to be informative and civil.