Clothes / Rush week

<p>I am starting to pack in preparation to move in Thursday. Any suggestions of things that are crucial to bring? I am rushing as well. I have everything ready just want to make sure due to my OCD tendencies </p>

<p>Pull out all your outfits out of your closet today.
Write down the details of each outfit keep track what you wore to which rush event so you do not repeat too soon.
Check to make sure you have the right shoes, accessories, handbag, jewelry for each.
Note if you need replace any shoes that are too worn out.
Do you have all the right undergarments or the sheer/ light colored clothes?
Do you need to dry clean/ launder/iron anything that doesn’t look crisp and fresh, look for stains, rips, tears.
Look at your makeup.
You may want to buy replacements and leave the used at home so you don’t have to bring your make up back and forth from school.
That should keep you occupied and satisfy your OCD tendencies.</p>

<p>Thank you so much </p>

<p>You could also “package” each day’s outfit - put everything together - dress, undergarments, shoes, jewelry - at least for the first 2 to 4 days. You’ll be exhuasted at the end of each day.</p>

<p>You need to check the “Greek Chic” recruitment guide on the Bama Panhellenic website to make sure your outfits are in line with what is recommended. Good luck and keep an open mind! Sometimes the best fit is not the house you fall in love with right off the bat. </p>

<p>Search around by using the magnifying glass up by the page #s of the UofA ‘home page’ of threads. There was a funny (not meant to be, but it was funny to me) thread about all the things needed for a rushing girl. There was a whole lot of chafing and sniffling and sneezing and mending and hemming and blistering and sweating and bleeding and crying and so forth goin’ on!
Ah, I found it! <a href=“”>;/a&gt; Keep Calm, indeed…
Here’s a good thread explaining move-in prep, too: <a href=“Tips and Suggestions for Move-in - University of Alabama - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;