<p>What types of clothes do the students at wash and lee wear? I heard a lot of students wear polos? Any advice? I want to buy clothes for wash and lee and not sure to start. Any help would be awesome</p>
<p>Here’s what I’ve seen on the guys: lots of bow ties :). Invest in button down shirts, khakis, a good sports coat for Lee Chapel, a suit for formals, and polos and dress shorts (not cargo shorts). North Face jackets are popular. Look at the Scene on Campus photos to get some ideas, too. I know more about the girls’ side of things, but those are some observations. Others might know more about specific brands that are popular. I’d get a designer pair of sunglasses. I hate to sound superficial, but you won’t see sweats or pajama bottoms in class at W&L, and there are quite a few occasions that call for professional/semi-formal attire. A lot these items can take you right into internships and a first job.</p>
<p>Ok that’s sounds great ! Thank you so much</p>
<p>Just to echo a bit: khaki shorts in the early fall and spring, khaki pants in the winter. I’d go with button downs over polo shirts. Sperries boat shoes are solid nearly year round, and I’d go ahead and pick up some penny loafers for diversity. Also, Clarks Wallabees are popular over the winter. Bean boots are the go to for rainy days (LL Bean). The most popular coat for the winter is the Barbour Jacket beaufort style.</p>
<p>Everything already said, plus: invest in a tux. It’s a better investment than renting every time.</p>
<p>*More likely than not you will be in a fraternity. Most fraternity formals you need a tux. (There’s four times right there).
*You need a tux for fancy dress (another four times).
*Mock Con Ball (1).</p>
<p>So there is a good chance of a minimum of 9 times over your career that you will need a tux.</p>