Clothing optional dorm?

On its face, the experiences of a guy who last set foot on Wesleyan’s campus in 1994 might not seem too relevant to understanding what the school is today. But, ok, fair, it’s an historical perspective.

But then you read the article linked by @circuitrider, and you see in Chase a picture of a vindictive and mean spirited man who comes across as comfortable with deceit and ruining people’s lives. I assume Wesleyan is not very proud of their former association with him, brief though it was.

Maybe for a balanced discussion about his time at Wes, for whatever interest that may hold, one could read this interview he gave in 2012 to the staff of Wesleying, wherein at least someone is asking him relevant (though not altogether hard) questions: “Where Are They Now?”: An Interview with Former President William Chace | Wesleying

And consider that the presidents who served when the first black students were admitted and during the Vietnam war and Civil Rights era avoided a fire bombing, but this guy got it during the late 80s. I’m sure he’s not all bad and maybe just misunderstood, but there’s a little smoke around this dude.

A perhaps more currently relevant sense of Wesleyan might be gleaned from reading one of Roth’s recently authored books, which include a good piece on the continued relevance of a liberal arts education and one on the issue of “safe spaces” in higher ed.

As a parent of a recent Wes graduate, I can tell you categorically that the cultural mood and temperament on campus, while not perfect, is not one that’s likely to result in fire bombings any time soon. Others may disagree.

We never got any reports on nudity, and the one who went there definitely would have called. Lol.


For context beyond Wesleyan, Hamilton students have experimented with this type of thing, enough so to catch the attention of general media: Hamilton College Varsity Streaking Team on Fox News Live - YouTube.