Cloud Cuckoo Land - February CC Book Club Selection

Here’s the free Peyton Place book for anyone interested. It was posted by someone else but I wanted to share.

I would love to read either book, but will pick All Creatures Great and Small as number one. I loved the old series and the new one is also very good. My husband read the book when we started watching the new series and enjoyed it. He isn’t sure how it will be for discussion, but says it is a great book if we are looking for something happy.

I’m OK with any of the choices, not too psyched up about any.

I read and enjoyed Dutch House a while back, would happily follow the discussion without rereading. (I recommend the audiobook narrated by Tom Hanks if you can get it. Also there’s a whole essay in These Precious Days about how that narration came to be! A bonus for Patchett fans – I count myself among them.)

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If we want a pair, we could read “All Creatures Great & small” with the biography about him.

Umm … 850 pages combined. I love duets but that is more than I can handle this time, particularly following Cloud Cuckoo Land.

I love the idea but it might seem more feasible next time.

Ok. I’m fine with just a solo book. I was just throwing out the option for folks who like duets.

It is a really good option.

This fabulous group always finds a way to make a discussion work, so I’m not too worried about that – especially because being online allows us to stray into tangential topics with interesting links.

Given its availability and the fact that it’s lighter fare than our last couple of books, I’m going to call it for All Creatures Great and Small. Hopefully, we can get @jollymama enthused. And fingers crossed that @mathmom doesn’t return from her busy day and shake her head over the selection. :grimacing:

I know The Dutch House has been suggested previously, but @jollymama, @VeryHappy, @mathmom, and @AnAsmom have already read it, and it’s a gentle veto from @Marilyn. So maybe the ship has sailed on that one?

I’m hoping All Creatures Great and Small will be pleasant nostalgia for those who read it decades ago, and a treat for those who will be picking it up for the first time.

I’ll start a new thread.


Thanks you @mary13! I love your kind and thoughtful way of weighing all the competing ideas and helping us find a palatable selection. I think Herriot is a great way for us to welcome spring in April. I’ve read his books and happy to re-read.


All Creatures Great and Small Is included in Kindle Unlimited for those who have it.


It’s also a free borrow if you have Amazon Prime.


@Mary13 , I’m sure I’ll warm to it. I’m so appreciative of the great discussions in this group!

@Mary13 kudos on the great choice, nothing seemed to jump out as a front runner for me, so this works. I’ve watched some of PBS show. Thank you,again, for a great book discussion!

This should be fun. I’ll check the box in the garage tomorrow to see if I kept the books during the move. Is there any way to watch the episodes of the PBS series that have already aired without subscribing to something?

I have seen an episode on YouTube, Netflix or Amazon Prime (sorry not sure which). It was free and didn’t have to pay anything extra.

I’m A-OK with All Creatures. Always pleasant to read an uplifting book! Maybe I can get my RL Book Club to read The Dutch House – or maybe I’ll just have tor read it on my own!! :grinning:


@mary13, I too am grateful for your leadership on this thread.

Do you have a background in something book-ish? Is that why you lead such good discussions here?

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I was an English major in college, but grad school and my subsequent work life has been all business and numbers. This book club feeds my soul. I am so grateful that all of you are here. :heart:


I think I read All Creatures when it was brand new in 1972! My younger brother was a big animal lover at the time and he read all the books!

He also read all of Jane Goodall’s early books too. At the time I think she was in Tanzania observing wild dogs, golden jackals, and spotted hyenas with her then husband. He babysat their kid Grub. (He has a real name, but that’s what they called him.)

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Add me to the list of people who have already read The Dutch House. The book was…OK, though not memorable. I did enjoy the Tom Hanks audio. I just didn’t connect with any of the characters.

I’m the complete opposite of @HImom–our darker book selections are usually my favorites! But I’ll happily read a happy one outside my comfort zone. :slight_smile: