Club Tennis

<p>I’m wondering how inclusive the club tennis is at Brown University. If anybody knows anything, please let me know.</p>

<p>I’m looking forward to joining club tennis too and was wondering the same thing</p>

i went to the website but it didn’t seem very helpful</p>

<p>yeah…does anybody know anything about this?</p>

<p>i know a couple of people on the club tennis team, anyone is welcome to join (they’re all pretty good, a few could play varsity if they wanted to) from what i’ve seen and they all seem like good guys</p>

<p>so anybody can join this club if they want to? nobody is excluded?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure no one is excluded. I had a friend who played club tennis at the beginning of freshman year, and she said it was pretty fun. She played varsity in high school (and since she lived in my area, I can attest that her school had a rep for being one of the better teams), but she said she “sucked” in club, which probably means she was just as good as everyone else. Come midterms, she quit without much worries showing that it’s a pretty lax group, I’d say.</p>