Club Volleyball?

<p>Anyone with insight or experience? My D definetly wants to play in college.</p>

<p>My D is a freshman and on the women’s club volleyball team. They actually have 2 teams, an A and a B team and she is on the B. Tryouts were pretty competitive so she was just happy to make a team. They all practice together and go to the same tournaments. They practice Sunday and Thursday nights for 2 hours and also went to a gym for weight training once a week. In the fall semester I think they only went to two tournaments because of the football season, but are planning more this spring. So far she has really liked it and it is the right level of commitment for her.</p>

<p>Thank you for the quick response. D played club and HS ball. I assumed their would be tryouts and cuts. Glad to hear their are two teams.</p>

<p>There’s a great men’s team too. My son happens to be co-president. Works the same for the men, two practices per week, several tournaments a year including hosting one in the spring. They travel to the tournaments at schools throughout the south. It’s a weekend road trip with friends, to play the sport they love, paid for by Bama. Last year the men also went to club nationals in Dallas. </p>

<p>Volleyball is rapidly growing in popularity at Bama. Women’s varsity made the NCAA tournament for the first time this year. My son is actually a member of the team as an invited practice player, making him an official NCAA D-1 athlete. There are also strong club teams and intramural leagues. Volleyball players will find plenty of action at whatever skill and commitment level they desire.</p>

<p>My son is actually a member of the team as an invited practice player, making him an official NCAA D-1 athlete.</p>

<p>Wow! Amazing! Bet he didn’t anticipate that when he enrolled! :)</p>

<p>Thanks Chardo. I love to watch men’s vball! We had a boy in our high school who went on to play at a college in the Midwest. He would come to the girls practice from time to time. His jump, topspin serve was insane! My D (libero) was the only girl on the team who had even a little success passing his serves.</p>

<p>Yes, so proud of my son, the collegiate women’s athlete.</p>

<p>Coach asked him to join the team to give them some practice against taller players (he’s a 6-5 middle). He loves to play so he jumped at the offer. Had to take NCAA physical and sickle cell test like every other athlete. He also gets to sit up front at their matches, and gets to fraternize with the players, usually a no-no. With those practices, plus his club team, he is playing almost every day. Keeps him in great shape. We also joked it might help him find some tall girlfriends.</p>

<p>Bigdaddy, I have seen you post on the Elon board (S2 is interested). Did your D choose Bama? Over which other schools? Why?</p>

<p>No decision yet. Still have a lot of balls in the air. 'Bama is definetly in the top 3. I really liked Elon, but for us to even consider it, she’d have to be awarded an Honors Fellow scholarship. She should hear if she’s being invited to the weekend on Feb. 1st. She has two more EA and two more RD schools to hear from. So, we won’t know until April. </p>

<p>I just know continuing her vball is important to her.</p>