
<p>What do you guys think is a solid number of clubs/organizations to join freshman year? There are several that I’m really interested in, but I definitely don’t want to stretch myself, especially seeing as how I’ll be pretty busy as it is.
Also, what are some groups at Alabama that really stand out as fun or successful or useful?</p>

<p>Oh, my! Do what you like and find something new to try!</p>

<p>I agree with the above!</p>

<p>But I’d like to add that Alabama International Relations Club (AIRC), which is in charge of UA Model UN, is a really great group. Fun fact: If you’re elected to participate in a Model UN competition (they have them in NYC, Chicago, DC, and around the world), the club covers the cost of your travel. So theoretically, depending on where World MUN is held, you could get a free trip to another continent. Obviously, only join if you actually have an interest in the club, though.</p>

<p>Make the most of Get on Board Day. That’s when all of the clubs will have a booth. You can ask questions about the club, how it is run, time commitment, and times of the meetings. Even then the GOBD happens while you might be in class.</p>

<p>I would think that you could be in 1 to 4 clubs comfortably. Depends on your level of involvement.</p>

<p>What types of clubs are you interested in joining?</p>

<p>^^Regina: Could you describe the time commitment to the AIRC and UN club?</p>

<p>Like most clubs, one can be as involved as they want to be! I am sure some people just attend the meetings and choose not to participate in MUN competitions. If one chooses to participate, it often means missing Friday or even Thursday classes, so that’s obviously something to consider.</p>

<p>Most clubs on campus allow you to dedicate as much or as little time to it as you desire. Some people may just attend a meeting once in a while and consider themselves in the club. Like most things in life, you tend to get back what you put in.</p>

<p>My daughter is in the AIRC and loves it. She has been to Duke, World MUN in Vancouver and most recently Chicago over Easter weekend. Yes she has missed class, but as a International Relations major it has been worth it according to her. World MUN was spring break week. Students in IRC must apply and interview for those trips.</p>

<p>She was also one of the coordinatosr for GOBD last year. I think she would agree that is a great place to start looking for orgs. to join. Of course Greek life is an option, my D is Greek, but has friends both in and out of sorority life. </p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>