Cluster difficulty

<p>It counts as both 3 GEs plus eliminates the writing II/Seminar requirement.</p>

<p>Is it worth the hard work to take a cluster if you aren't an honors students, that is, you won't receive any extra credits out of it?</p>

<p>Just because it has the honors designation by it doesn't mean its harder than normal classes (i.e. physics 6 honors series are notoriously easier than the physics 6 nonhonors series). Like I said, I saw my cluster to be an easier option than to have taken the 3 separate classes it takes care of (it actually takes care of 4 requirements: 3 GEs and a seminar requirement). Some will be easier than others- it depends on what you like and how much you know as well. (BTW, you shouldn't be afraid of the work of a cluster class, because you will no doubt see much tougher in your other classes, especially the weeder courses for your major)</p>

<p>Actually I wouldn't recommend the science clusters for nonscience majors who are looking to take care of their science GEs, especially the biotechnology one (there are much much easier alternatives)</p>

<p>looks like they changed around some clusters this year... added a couple, and changed US in the 60's to 1954 to 1974. for the descrpitions of some of the clusters, it doesnt say Writing II/seminar credit, and some dont even have the foundations up. im guessing/hoping thats just an error.</p>

<p>collegegirl: if you can find the website for the cluster (each one has a link from the main directory of GE clusters--i forgot where this was tho), then you'll be able to see course syllabi and reading materials .</p>

<p>question: can i get honors credit for a cluster if i'm not in Honors when i take the class, but get into honors during/ after the class?</p>

<p>also, it's nice to know the IRD was quite easy, but does anyone anything about the hist. of modern thought cluster? the syllabus makes the reading seems preposterously lengthy. is it very time-consuming? or does it depend on the TA, since each one seems to have his/her own agenda for discussion?</p>



<p>Yes, it'll count towards honors when you get accepted.</p>

<p>I took biotech this year and it was pretty rough.</p>

<p>Does anyone have a link to the portal for all the different clusters? I can't find it, thanks!</p>

I took biotech this year and it was pretty rough.


<p>i took biotech too. pretty rough also. i would say that's one of the "medium-hard" clusters. social thought is the killer one i hear. none of the clusters seem to be easy though. my TA was surprised at the high level of the essay writing in our class, but he said that's probably due to self selection; the ambitious and/or best students choose to take the clusters. </p>

<p>my TA was also an idiot. worst TA i've had so far i think. luckily for this year's batch, i heard he wasnt TA-ing anymore. <em>end rant</em> </p>

<p>i think the best things i got out of the cluster was that it got rid of a good number of requirements, and i did meet some friends since i have the same class/discussion for 2 quarters (or 3 if you're in the same seminar) with them. </p>

<p>oh and ralph robinson is an awesome professor. he's blacklisted by the FBI for having anthrax in his lab. he also has this really scary way to spread bioterrorism in LAX. great lecturer.</p>

<p>I think they're gonna get at least one new TA again this year...</p>

<p>Too bad Ralph Robinson didn't discuss much of his personal life this year around... What's this bioterrorism thing at LAX?</p>

<p>Yeah definitely look into Robinson and also check out his Bioterrorism class, it's way interesting and he's just a funny goofy family man. To anyone who's taking Biotechnology & Society... GET ICHIRO NISHIMURA for science of the face in the Spring. He's way chill (he makes coffee for you halfway through every class and the only thing you have to do in the class is write a 7 page paper on a really easy broad topic) and he'll give you an A if you go to class and write a decent essay.</p>


<p>it was such a relief from the regular biotech crew and a relief for my GPA too! </p>

What's this bioterrorism thing at LAX?


<p>ralph robinson described what he would do if he were a bioterrorist. basically he'd go around shaking hands with everyone at LAX, and the virus would spread everywhere. it was really creepy when he acted it out, it made all of us realize how vulnerable we are!</p>

<p>Ohhh.. like he'd infect himself with smallpox and then covertly spread it.</p>