<p>WHen I went to CMU in April I stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn which was pretty good. It's actually closer to the UPitt campus but it was close to a lot of little restaurants and stuff and it was about a minute or two straight drive to the CMU campus and the hotel has it's own parking lot with valet parking. So I would reccomend it as a pretty good hotel and if I remember the beds were pretty comfortable for sleeping in which is very important to me wherever I go to audition.</p>
<p>elias i am auditioning 4 mt on nov 12th as well... c ya there... morning or afternoon for u?</p>
<p>Awesome!...I'm auditioning in the afternoon...where do you hail from?...haha
<p>i'm doing afternoon. need the morning to warm up.</p>
<p>Yeah, I agree, that's why I chose the afternoon one...are you guys ready for the audition, everyhting memorized?...i'm still working on it!</p>
<p>i am auditioning n the afternoon. felt the same way bout needing the morning wakeup/warmup. they r not gettin belted A's outta me at 9... sowry! settled 4 the 2 oclock spot most definitely. i have evrything memorised now i am just polishing evrything up. Are ya'll staying for the sleepingbag wkend? i wish i could but i cant bc i have the next round in the tx all-state choir competition the tuesday after.</p>
<p>What pieces are ya'll doing? c ya there and best of luck!</p>
<p>Hey you guys. I need help, I just filled out all the application for Carnegie Mellon and paid the 65 dollar fee- but got no information about the audition! How do I register!? Please respond!</p>
<p>Go to <a href="http://www.cmu.edu/cfa/drama/%5B/url%5D">www.cmu.edu/cfa/drama/</a> and take it from there- (you will need to select acting or musical theater) - you register for your audition online. You don't need to submit the app first.</p>
<p>I just checked, and at the bottom of the menu on the left of <a href="http://www.cmu.edu/cfa/drama/%5B/url%5D">www.cmu.edu/cfa/drama/</a> it says "register"- click on that.</p>
<p>Thank you! Ha I can't believe I missed that. I guess I just assumed it would be more complicated. Where else is everyone applying?</p>
<p>wow i love... wut more is there 2 say... also i seemed 2 really fit n well with the other students that were helping to run the auditions. so it was nice to be able to c myself at a school no longer "IMAGINING" myself at a school.</p>
<p>I'm a little confused. What bar cut for songs are we supposed to have? Their website is very vague.</p>
<p>I also have a question about the Unifieds. Do they provide an accompanist in Chicago, b/c I didn't see anywhere on the website that said to bring your own CD accompaniment? And like danimal, nowhere can I find how long the songs need to be.</p>
<p>After doing a little more reading from previous posts,it appears that 32 bars is the standard they want, although you might be asked to sing more.</p>
<p>ahh, I love this school , the teachers here are amazing and soo sweet, they've been helping me with my auditions for unifieds...this is a very good school to go to...i love it....its not my first choice though...</p>
<p>Hey there, kayalgurl! It always makes me smile to see your posts on this list; you seem like such a happy and positive (and, of course, talented!) young woman!</p>
<p>Can I ask a question (which is none of my biz, so don't feel you have to answer!)?</p>
<p>Why isn't CMU your first choice school? I am always interested in hearing how students come to their decisions as to what's right for them. My D is a hs junior and we are just starting college visits, though she (and I, obviously) have researched various programs online and with the tremendous help offered by the other students and parents here on this and other list. (As an aside, can I thank all of you for being here? This site is a goldmine and I appreciate every single person who posts.)</p>
<p>Love to hear your thoughts, kayla!</p>
<p>thanks so much notmamarose...by all means if i got into CMU i would go..but first and foremost it is not my first choice, ebcause (this is going to sound weird) but i am used to and comfortable with the school that i dont want to go back. Becuase of the summer program and they great love and respect i gained for everybody there, if i went back there for university, and didnt see all my firneds from the summer program, it would be for me weird, like i would open my door, and expect to see the same people down the hall, and i wont obviously.
I even now, if i went to CMU tomorrow, i would expect to see everybody that was there for summer 2006, there now...which would not be..lol...but thats just how i feel...i grew so much in love with them and we became so much of a family, that i feel weird going back...do you understand?</p>
<p>I love CMU so much, and if i dont get it or whatever, im planning on going back to spend some time with the teachers...everyday i talk to them and they help me, they are loving, kind, but are not afraid to tell you straight out if soemthing is wrong...and i absolutely love them, so i want to go back and visit...but not necessarily for school...which is kind of bad, cause those teachers are amazing...but it would feel odd...to me..lol...not to see the people i expect to see there...
if i got in i would go, and i guess get used to the fact that the people form summer are not there..lol..and i would still love it...but thats bascially why CMU sint my first choice...i want to go to a completly new school, meet new teachers and i guess just start a new experience...i feel so at home at CMU...that i just want to go somewhere, new.
and plus after working so hard all summer at CMU...i kind of feel like ive conquered the school...lol....cause i went there not knowing anything, and left being asked by gary to come back and audition ....so i also kind of want to go a harder shcool i guess, that will ridiculously challenge me....so i can conquer that school :-)..lol....but i love CMU, and if they did accept i will greatly consider going back...but my first choice is CCM.</p>
<p>do you understand? :-)</p>
<p>Song4U - CMU did provide a piano accompanist in Chicago last year. You did not have to take a CD player, etc.</p>
<p>Im kind of wondering how im supposed to make 3 or 4 connection flights with a cd player..lol :-)..i guess ill make do</p>
<p>good luck to everybody with their audtions!!! :-)</p>