I have a question regarding CMU’s Computational biology major in the SCS. My daughter is very interested in that program. The concern she has is, in case she finds the program not too interesting after few classes, how difficult is it to switch to CS major? I am assuming since both are in SCS the process is simpler. Could you please share any info or point any links on this?
Thanks so much for your time.
I don’t have any actual data points, but I strongly suspect that an SCS student in good standing would be able to transfer between majors relatively easily - certainly more easily than from outside SCS.
Once into and beyond Sophomore year, completing the program in four years would become more difficult, as required courses were likely missed early in the cycle.
Looking at the curricula, It looks like one could probably get through Sophomore year with courses that work for both.
As this is a fairly specialized degree, it would make a good question for Admissions/CS Admissions.
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Thanks for the response, @RichInPitt. Could you please elaborate on how I can contact CS Admissions regarding this? Can I just call a certain number and ask?
Thanks again.
I’d reach out to Mark Stehlik, head of the Undergraduate Program and Assistant Dean for Outreach - mjs@cmu.edu or (412) 268-6273.
(Though you’ll probably get routed to/hear back from Mary
- she’s quite helpful).
Thanks so much, @RichInPitt . You are wonderful.
As a former Comp Bio major at CMU, I can tell you that it’s very intense. However, switching to CS will not make it any less intense.
At CMU CS, you are expected to work 12 hours a day 7 days a week. They even offer “optional classes” for those who need extra help (most everybody). Assignments are due in a week and take every moment you have.
This is a place where you go to work and where there is little opportunity to make friends or develop relationships with professors.