<p>I'm enrolled at CMU H&SS right now, but I got off the Vanderbilt waitlist today. Can you guys give me some input on which school seems like the better choice in the short/long run?</p>
<p>Here's some info about me:
-I'm an Asian male, and I'm not preppy (this might be relevant given the very different atmospheres of both universities)
-I will be studying econ (and probably try to transfer to Tepper) at CMU and econ/math at Vanderbilt
-Although I'm not sure about what I want to do in the future, I'm interested in business and I'm thinking about going into prop-trading
-I want to work either in the northeast or in California after graduation
-I'm pretty social and I want to be very involved in campus life/activities
-Both schools cost the same for me</p>