<p>Hi everyone,
I have recently been accepted by CMU-CIT(ECE), WashU School of Eng. & Appl. Science and UIUC-ECE department(eligible for James Scholar honor program).</p>
<p>I'm not sure where to go. I want to study EE/CE. I know WashU is much less prestigious than the other two schools in ECE, but my friend who intended to study ECE and was also accepted by both WashU and CMU enrolled at WashU last year. He says that the courses are similar in undergrad and hence doesn't matter that much(I'm not sure if that's true). I don't like UIUC much because it's public and so may have many problems and it's in the middle of nowhere and too cold. CMU and WashU are in cities. I've heard dorms are better at WashU and CMU food sucks.</p>
<p>So can anyone give me some suggestions or details about these schools? Things like dorms, dining, network access(WIFI/wired), classes, professors, weather, social life, local atmosphere, etc. can help a lot.</p>
<p>I found a site saying that CMU limit traffic to average 2GB/day(measured in a 5 day period) and my friend told me WashU doesn’t have traffic limitation.</p>
<p>Yes, it is 2/GB day, averaged over a 5 day period. That is your download limit only when connecting to the outside, though. When connecting to other computers (through say dtella, the on campus peer-peer network), on campus there is no limit, and you have a download rate of about 15 MB/sec through a wired connection, seriously. Also the entire campus is covered by the wifi network.</p>
<p>Also, we may or may not be getting even more ridiculously fast fiber-optic connections, if the google thing pulls through for Pittsburg.</p>
<p>Yeah I really hope Google chooses Pittsburgh!
And XNXNXN…CMU is ranked 3rd after MIT and Stanford in ECE. You might just want to take that into consideration while making your decision.</p>
<p>The undergraduate education between universities is not as similar as you think. I work in a cybersecurity research group that consists of undergrads and grad students. Some of the grads found themselves knowing less about computer systems than the undergraduate students. One of them explained that they didn’t have a computer systems class at their university like the one CMU has.</p>