Pls keep us posted as to what she decides. Congrats to her!!!
Same here, SCS is full
I’m going to end up going to UT Austin for CS
How do you know it’s full. DC is on waitlist for college of science and portal has not changed.
decision letter says no more space available
Does anyone know what it means if no decision letter is in the portal?
does any one know how many people got off the priority waitlist last year?
what college did you apply for?
College of science. Portal has not been updated (waitlist info still there) and no decision letter.
were you on the priority wl or just the regular one?
ig byee cmu hahahah i don’t think a lot of spots will open up this summer:/
Is this what everyone, who is not accepted from WL, has received.
yes, college of science in same format
Weird sentence… so the reason they can’t offer you a place is because they were not able to delete your name from the waiting list? Seems like they should be able to offer you a place as soon as they fix that software glitch
I just called and they said if it is full/complete, than nobody will get off the list unless some kids don’t show up in August. SCS is what I asked about.
Did anyone move from WL to accepted in SCS and/or CoE?
did people get an email saying the portal was updated…? or did u just check the portal on ur own???
also werent they supposed to email us if it was full…?
me casually trying to see if there is still hope despite being SCS and maybe the letter on my portal is a glitch cuz i didn’t get an email