CMU,what should I choose?

<p>Hi,I had been accepted by MSIT of ebusiness of CMU which is under computer science department,some people told me that is not good,anyone who know this program could you tell me something about this program,is it worth to read?And I also accepted by clemson,master of computer science,how about this program?</p>

<p>anybody know it?</p>

<p>…still no answer</p>

<p>What credentials do those “some people” have to evaluate how good a particular program is? </p>

<p>What were the reasons that caused you to apply at Clemson, CMU, and other schools? Did you base the original applications on your own research or on other people’s comments? </p>

<p>you can reply on the cmu forum.</p>

<p>that because I was late,and this is the only program I can apply that time</p>

<p>By “CMU”, you do mean Carnegie Mellon University, right? If so, we’re talking about one of the top 3 or 4 Computer Science departments in the country (along with Stanford, MIT, and Berkeley). I cannot speak to the MSIT program in particular, but even if it is one of the weaker specialties at CMU, I suspect it is still pretty good. </p>

<p>Are we talking about an MSIT program at the main Pittsburg campus? Or are you considering a satellite program abroad? Here is one review of the CMU program in Lisbon:</p>

<p>[MSIT-IS</a> 1st Semester Review | Nuno’s blog](<a href=“]MSIT-IS”>MSIT-IS 1st Semester Retrospective | Nuno's blog)</p>

<p>YES,I am talking about Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg campus,my confuse is this program not have any course to take,it is project-based…so I want to ask…Carnegie Mellon University is my dream school,but I think I should be careful about this program.</p>

<p>CMU offers many programs so you need to be clear about the one you mean. It sounds like you are referring to the program described at the following site:
[MS</a> in IT - eBusiness Technology](<a href=“]MS”>
If so, it looks very interesting, but it is not a traditional MS in Computer Science program at all. There seems to be only one traditional “course” (a course in Java programming for students who do not already have a strong background in it.) The program appears to be attracting many International students who already have some working experience in IT fields.</p>

<p>The Clemson program probably is this one:
[Clemson</a> University : School of Computing : The M.S. in Computer Science](<a href=“]Clemson”>
Right? If so, that is a conventional MS in CS program. It is completely different from the above CMU program. </p>

<p>So … what are you looking for? Do you want a traditional 30-credit MS program in Computer Science? Did you apply to the CMU MSIT program only because the deadline already had passed for other programs? If so, maybe the MSIT program is not what you really want. Or, do you want experience working on small teams, with faculty guidance, to solve practical problems? If so, the CMU program may be exactly what you want. It’s up to you.</p>

<p>Thank you for your answer,It really helpful,I prefer CMU,but it seems this program has very low requirement,so easy to get a admission even not need a GRE result,and much more people I know has been accepted than other programs.That make me think this program maybe not good at other master program of CMU.</p>