CNA or LVN? Please help.

<p>I'm actually about to begin my prerequisites to be a RN however many people have commented to me about the long wait to get into nursing school and have recommended things to get into school faster for example volunteering in a hospital, wing involved in sports and clubs however I was told to enrolling in CNA or LVN(to RN) courses will not only help me get into nursing school faster but will give me more of an advantage and experience down my career path. Will it be worth it ?</p>

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<p>Any work or volunteering in a health care setting is a definite plus for admissions, and will help you better understand what you are learning in the classroom. </p>

<p>Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant will help you earn money while you are in college, and give you some practical experience. I’ve heard stories that people with experience as a CNA do better in nursing school and on the certification test.</p>

<p>As far as sports or clubs, I’d pick something you enjoy.</p>