cnas scholars: yes or no?

<p>so i am going to be a freshman at ucr. is it better to dorm with someone who has the same major as you, as in live with the cnas schloars learning community? or should i just not partake in "special interest housing" ?</p>

<p>It really depends on what you want.
There are higher chances of someone being in the same classes as you in CNAS housing so you can form study groups easily or share textbooks.
But if you want to meet students from other majors, then opt out.</p>

<p>with it being my freshman year, i just want to meet as many people as i can! but then again, i also don’t want to lose my focus. so i figured if i dormed with someone taking the same classes as me, id get less distracted maybe. but i don’t know.</p>

<p>personally, i opted for a regular dorm because i wanted to meet more people, but i feel i wouldve met more people that i have more in common with had i chose a special interest dorm.</p>