CNU Early Action 2018

This page has been quiet so I thought I would start the discussion. Any ideas on when EA applicants will hear from CNU?

I saw on their website that it’s 1/15. Does anyone have any better information? Does anyone know how they notify or whether Honors and PLP (and scholarships!) admissions are released at the same time.?

The website says the 15th but the past years information I could find letters were received from the 11-15th. Since the 15th is a holiday I thought they may mail them in time to receive them by Saturday the 13th otherwise the earliest people could get them would be the 16th. From what I have seen they don’t post the results only send letters out.

I forgot I had informed delivery from the postal service where you can see the front of all of the mail you are receiving and we have something coming in the mail from CNU today. I can’t tell from the picture of the cover if it is a letter or a bigger envelop but we will see. We don’t usually get our mail until around 5pm. Good luck everyone.

momofthree55… are you in Virginia?

Yes, a bit North of Richmond

We are about three hours away so guess we shouldn’t expect anything today.

If you sign up for USPS informed delivery you can find out. It is a free service and lets you look at what mail you are receiving each day.

JMU results are out now also, what a busy day

@momofthree55 - We got a couple of things from CNU today, but it was all general information. Stuff like reminders of the RD deadline, PLP/HP information days, etc. No EA decision.

That’s not very exciting to receive an envelope a few days before the release date and have it just be information and no decision. I wonder why they would send that information to someone who applied early action.

You should be receiving the letter in hand either Friday or Saturday at the latest. They do not post anything online regarding admissions decisions.

Checked and we are not receiving any mail from CNU today for maybe the next couple of days. DD did get accepted into JMU yesterday so at least we got that one back.

The CNU twitter page says to look for admission results next week.

Congrats on JMU! Nothing official yet. But, DC did get an email invitation to come and interview for a scholarship opportunity that definitely left the impression that he was in regardless of whether he was selected for the scholarship.

We got an email inviting my daughter to the February open house. It would be a shame if that was followed by a denial letter :confused:

My daughter got the email also, I agree that it would be bad to send an invitation to people who were not admitted. I

Nothing on informed delivery for today— then the 16th is the day!? Good luck to you all!

We found out that my son was accepted today but we live fairly close to CNU. Very pleased!
