But it's generally recommended NOT to share with a boyfriend/girlfriend since breakups can cause problems.
<p>I agree. There was a thread about this a while back, and some people (younger, I presume) totally didn't see any problem with it. I guess they think they'll be in love with the same person all four years of college.</p>
<p>I agree with Youdon'tsay that most girls would not want to share a dorm room with their brother and vice versa...or at least, not my two. You've got gamer grooming is not a big deal brother with drill team princess sister... not a match either would choose.</p>
<p>Of course, at our house, we don't have the Parents' Bathroom and the Kids' Bathroom. We've got the Girls' Bathroom and the Boys' Bathroom. The girls try to avoid ever entering the boys'.</p>