<p>I'm applying to both Colleges, but I do not know which I should make my first choice. I'm interested in Biological Engineering, but I'm also interested in having a more liberal arts education... I'm strongly considering med school after graduating, but I know both programs will satisfy the requirements for getting into med school. </p>
<p>For COE, I wrote a pretty strong essay on my first experiences with engineering, fixing my playstation when I was eleven. My voice is very strong and I relate the experience to exploring engineering at Cornell very well, but... </p>
<p>That essay pales in comparison to my essay for CAS. When I wrote about the evolution of my interests, I got really creative and made an analogy to bacterial growth phases. I'm so happy with both essays, but this one is just better. </p>
<p>My other considerations for applying to one school over another is that I'm a girl, so that could make me a better applicant for COE, but my SAT scores are more in the range of CAS (M690, CR 770, W730). </p>
<p>Does anyone have any insight to offer regarding my conundrum?</p>
<p>any thoughts at all? I’m really stuck and I just want to hit submit already! :P</p>
<p>dont think fixing a playstation at 11 will make a good essay topic, americans like to describe their essays as “good, great, excellent, etc” T.T</p>
<p>are you a maths/ physics person? do you enjoy your ap physics C and calc BC classes?</p>
<p>if not, i’d recommend CAS</p>
<p>that said, the admission stats seems to indicate that COE is easier to get in for a girl than CAS, though the applicant pool might be stronger on the maths/science part, so tts why you shld evaluate ur strengths in maths+science</p>
<p>I absolutely love physics and I’m rocking calculus. Although the highest levels my school offers are Calc AB and Physics B, due to the fact that we’re a poor public school with very little interest in either of those classes/subjects. We literally had to petition the administration to be offered Physics this year because there weren’t enough kids signed up (had to do that for AP Biology too). I’ve always been a math and DEFINITELY been a science person my whole life. My SAT math scores are just a bit lower than I’d like them to be. </p>
<p>But I could see myself in CAS too…
And there’s a wider variety of subjects to study in CAS. </p>
<p>I’ll weigh my scores with my other qualifications and think about it a little more I suppose…</p>