Cognitive Science

Would love some help from more knowledgable Bama parents. S17 was pretty set on Bama, Presidential Scholarship and Engineering. He just returned from the SITE program and now is unsure if engineering is really right for him. He is still considering computer science and metallurgical engineering but now thinks he may enjoy Cognitive Science more. Bama does not offer a cognitive science major unfortunately. We are wondering if he can create a cognitive science major by combining computer science, english, biology and psychology and if so will this put him at a disadvantage in grad school admissions. If this would be possible does anyone know who we would discuss this with. Suddenly, need to start anew investigating colleges with merit aid that have good programs in both since he is so unsure. Thanks, in advance for all insight.

I’m not an expert, by any means, but this is what I learned from out own research a few years back, when DS thought he might want to pursue a cognitive science major. First, although some schools offer a cognitive science major, many do not, so grad schools don’t expect incoming students to have majored in cognitive science as undergrads. Majoring in a related field, and doing well, should be sufficient.

Additionally, the New College offers UA students the opportunity to put together their own majors, so if your son is looking at combining courses from multiple fields in order to create his own cognitive science major, he can do that - and his diploma will indicate that he got his degree in “Cognitive Science,” if that’s what he wants to call it.

I’d suggest doing some research on cognitive science majors at the schools that offer them - what courses, if any, do they offer that Bama doesn’t? Then go back to Bama and look at the courses that Bama does offer. Reach out to the prof’s and ask whether they’d be open to mentoring a student with an interest in cognitive science. I’d be surprised if you don’t find at least one prof at Bama whose research interests overlap with cognitive science.

Meanwhile, the more AP (or CLEP) credits your son can get, the better - if he has at least some of his general education requirements out of the way, he’ll have more wiggle room to figure out what he wants to major in. And, for goodness sakes, have him apply to the Computer-Based Honors program - it sounds like it would be a great fit for him!

Thanks. That is sort of what we were thinking about. Not sure about CBHP. He has had no leadership throughout high school due to anxiety and Asperger’s although he loves research, in depth discussions, etc. Still a little introverted and socially awkward. We have discussed Computer based honors but he is not sure if he would find it too overwhelming in conjunction with the transition to college as well. We will have to look into when the deadlines for applying are. He has some AP’s but attends a small private school and decided after taking AP human Geography in 9th that he did not feel the AP social studies courses were worth his time and effort as he did not enjoy those subjects too much. He will have 12- 16 AP credits most likely. If he opts for cognitive science he can also do a few summer courses. Still trying to figure it all out as this all happened in the past 48 hours.

Yep - been there, done that! lol

Well, look into CLEP tests - those may help to get some of the gen ed credit hours out of the way. As for CBH, I don’t know that a lack of leadership experience would make much of a difference. They’re looking for academic rock stars, and if that’s who he is, that may be enough. As for it being “overwhelming,” my guess is that it would be the opposite. He’d be able to do his first year computer science classes in a small group with lots of personal attention. So his freshman year would end up being a lot closer to the “small school” experience that he’s used to.

Will definitely check it out. I’ve heard great things about it.

thought, learning, and mental organization, which draws on aspects of psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and computer modeling.

I had to look it up.

Have you looked into New College at Bama?

I agree with @dodgersmom, grad schools don’t care much about requiring certain majors.

That is on the list for this week. Since engineering had been the focus for so many years we weren’t sure if not having a “cognitive science major” filled with cog sci courses that aren’t available would effect his grad school chances. Also wasn’t sure if he could still use the Presidential scholarship at New College. Lots to do this week.

UA also has an honors program for students interested in getting into research early - which may fit with your son’s interests and aptitude. Definitely seek out guidance from UA Honors College.

Thanks will check that out as well.

Presidential Scholarship is for ANY major.

Grad schools don’t care if a major is not the “exact major”. If you look at grad schools for a particular discipline, you’ll often see a list of acceptable majors. For example…for some grad engineering disciplines, you might see: Applied Math, Physics, Chemistry and a few others as acceptable undergrad degrees.

Grad schools can’t be THAT fussy, particularly for rather rare majors since they know that most undergrads aren’t carrying that major.

Thanks. Off to check out grad school requirements. Pretty sure that Alabama will remain his top choice knowing there are multiple avenues to get where he needs to go.