Cognitive Science

<p>I'm interested in majoring in cognitive science or at least one of its component fields (probably lingusitics and/or computer science). I understand chicago doesn't have a specific cognitive science major, but are the relevent areas (pyscology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, philosophy) strong? And are the departments engaged in interdiscplinary cognitive science work?</p>

<p>Also on another topic how is the social life at Uchicago? How much parting is there, and are there alternative activites is you dont enjoy parties and/or drinking?</p>

<li>Relevant areas are strong, and the best resource you can have to test that out is the course catalog:</li>

<p>[Courses</a> & Programs of Study](<a href=“]Courses”></p>

<p>Because our course catalog is so deep (the PDF files don’t begin to cover the tip of the iceberg; you probably also have access to which is more up-to-date), I was basically able to cobble together a bunch of courses in various fields and consider it a minor in a field that Chicago doesn’t officially offer. So, on my resume, I won’t say I minored in X, but I will say, coursework in X and list relevant courses. If you are interested in cognitive science you will be able to dibble and dabble where you see fit, as well as help out with research.</p>

<li> I’ve found that Chicago’s social life is what you make of it, and whatever you want to do you’ll find other people who want to do that too. I was in the MacLab today and I heard a bunch of kids talking about having a movie marathon and a LAN party while last weekend I went to a veritable boozefest with a lot of people and a lot of loud. And there are some people who like to go downtown a lot and some people who like to do dinner parties and some people who don’t leave their rooms much.</li>

<p>What we don’t offer is a monolithic Greek scene where your flexibility comes in either Keystone or Natty Ice, which also means we will never appear on Princeton Review’s top party schools list. But the way you phrased the question, that sounds like a good thing.</p>