Coke Scholars 2021-2022

I couldn’t find a thread for this so I supposed there isn’t. Since Semi-finalists were announced today, I wanted to make one! Who got good news?

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My son was not accepted. Submitted great essays and put a ton of work into it. They said over 180,000 applicants applied this year. Kind of a bummer.

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Thanks for making this thread! I was accepted, and the next part of the application looks kind of intensive unfortunately


Only 68,000 submitted the application.

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Thanks for making this thread. My kid’s notification got sent to spam. How did they choose the semifinalists so quickly? Less than a two week turnaround!

@Karandave, Sorry to hear about your son’s application. My kid said it was a 2.4% acceptance rate—lower than any of the Ivies.

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Things seem to be ultra competitive this year, more than years past. Good luck to your student!


We were also told over 180k applied in the email they sent

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180k started an application but around 68k submitted

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Hello there,
Thanks for starting this thread.
Is there a nationwide list of 2022 Semi-Finalists somewhere?

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I would like to know if there is a list also!

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Looks like the full list is now posted here: Our 2022 Semifinalists - Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation


Thanks for posting this!

Did anyone actually use the 100 word limit when describing the impact of activities. I found myself only using 60 ish words and using “I…” statements like a resume. Anyone else?

I sorta took it like an resume…but i also was reading about what the statements were supposed to look like based job applications asking for a “statement of impact.” From that, here is an example of one of mine:

“ Flight is a highly selective (50 member) nationally recognized show choir. Through my participation in Flight, we have done the following:
-Learned a 5 number / 20 minute competition show
-Competed across the country (MO, IA, IL, WI)
-Developed skills of responsibility, humility, and hard-work
-Raised over $30,000 as a group through fundraising (House-walk, Raffles, Silent-Auctions)

With the Leadership Council I have:
-Mentored a group of 10 new members
-Planned group bonding activities (Rolling Parties, Flight Fridays, Exchanges)
-Collaborate one-on-one with our Director to make decisions for the betterment of our group”

If that makes sense…like not only describing your role but also the impact it had (like raising money or numbers of people effected etc)

When are regional finalists announced? A date other than late January?

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Not sure :frowning: Okay but am I the only one who has been taking every freaking Coke ad I’ve seen since October as a sign? Lol

And in case u were wondering, I’m terrified

They will probably announce by the beginning of February based on previous years announcement of the Regional Finalist

AHHH. This wait feels so long.

So are semifinalist expecting to hear from Coke this Friday, based on previous years?