I just read about Colby’s new Halloran Lab for Entrepreneurship and I thought it sounded interesting. I haven’t heard of anything similar at any other schools. Anyone know of anything? And what do you think of this lab?
In my experience, many large universities have entrepreneurship labs. What to me seems more notable here is that Colby is a LAC. Based on a quick search, it looks like Beloit is the only other LAC with such a lab.
yes, good point, I should have said other liberal arts schools. That’s interesting about Beloit. My brother was in the first graduating class of computer science majors at Colby, back when few LACs offered a CS major. He switched from geology to computer science when the major became available - a decision which made a huge difference in his career! I could be wrong, but it seems like Colby is one of of the LACs that often pioneers new academics offerings…
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