Colgate Class of 2020 RD Decision Thread

That’s okay. Thank you and best of luck! :slight_smile:

Does your checklist have make a doctor’s appointment, housing preference form, etc on it? I feel like if you weren’t accepted and tried to log in, nothing would come up…? But I don’t know. The anticipation is killing me!! Ah @Puppy4 @Squirg

@Squirg EDIT: I didn’t read everyone’s responses. Got a little too excited. (Hopefully this isn’t just coincidental…) Good luck to everyone!

Yes, I get the checklist with all of those items. GC said it didn’t mean anything, but it seems stupid that anything comes up, especially personalized with your name.

Well, I think it wouldn’t hurt if anyone from the waitlist tries, just to prove/disprove our thoughts… Any takers? LOL

The New Student Checklist with my name next to it is pretty odd… hmmmmm.

Portal changes happened three days after decisions were mailed last year in case anyone was wondering. Only admitted students saw a change.

That’s what @JDBoi78 said the other day about last year. Today is the 3rd day since Friday too…I hope someone will disprove or prove it haha

I haven’t gotten anything in the mail yet, but I have it too

@admitmemaybe The portal changed three days following the day they were mailed. They were mailed on the 24th, so portal changes were present on the 27th. So by that pattern, tomorrow should show portal changes (the 21st). However, not sure if Sunday changes anything… ah idk hopefully we all get mail tomorrow!

@admitmemaybe - When @JDBoi78 said three days after decisions were mailed, it would be tomorrow (not today). Today would be two days after.
Honestly, I think we’re all in the same boat of wanting to know and getting exasperated at this point… Hopefully a lot of us find out tomorrow!!
EDIT: If I would have refreshed the page, I would have saved us all from a lot of redundancy. My bad.

The portal said “Congratulations! Our admission decision letters have been sent and we trust that you have received your decision. We were delighted to offer you admission into the Colgate community” on the 27th.

It was quite early in the morning too (some people were seeing the message at 5:30 AM EST).

I should add I noticed it for the first time about ten days ago, so this is not that portal change. I think we’d need someone who didn’t get in to check-- it seems like everyone who has checked can see it.

So now, we all patiently wait until tomorrow and then start refreshing our portals crazily. Does that sound right?

@zimzamzoom yeeeees! and @Squirg yeah I don’t think we should think too much about this checklist, especially considering we can all see it.

Ah my bad, I was counting Friday as the first day, then Saturday as the second, and today as the third. I assure you all that I am capable of doing simple math, haha.

Yes, we are definitely exasperated!! How many other schools did y’all apply to?

@admitmemaybe 16 others… I’ve heard back from four!

guy, I did you a favour, I was rejected and when I log in I did not see anything

It wouldn’t hurt for someone who was rejected to try accessing the checklist, that way we would know if it’s even an indicator @Squirg

Thank you very much! @lovelybearsg

@lovelybearsg, thank you so much for checking-- and sorry you didn’t get in. So when you type in “new student” and click on first year and then checklist, are you prompted for your pw? And then what do you see if you put it in?