Colgate fin. aid for internationals

<p>A question arose on another board about financial aid for internationals at Colgate. This is a question that has come up in the past and there have been a variety of posts with differing information. I emailed the admissions rep for internationals at Colgate and asked him to specifically explain how many internationals get aid each year, and how hard it is to get. Here is his reply:</p>

<p>"We are able to fund about 25 international students each year. We meet full need of accepted students. However, we have nearly 900 international applicants for aid. Admissions is highly competitive for internationals."</p>

<p>In looking at US colleges, your best information source is ALWAYS to email or call the international admissions rep for a particular school directly. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>This really made me upset, since Colgate is one of my top choices and I will need a full ride. Damn!</p>

<p>Thanks for the tip, carolyn :)</p>

<p>Hmm... I got in last year, with aid. I know another CCer who got in with aid as well (He was from India). </p>

<p>Anyway, I left my stats back home (in Malaysia), but I'm pretty sure that Colgate was pretty generous with aid for international applicants - That's why I applied. Their policy might have changed though.</p>