Colgate or Skidmore?

<p>Moderate with Liberal lean, preppy, Greek life? I don’t know. And Colgate’s only going to be $19,000, whereas Skidmore’s going to be $27,000. And my parents, because they think I’m going to be making six figures in the future, are making me get a loan either way. Yay debt!</p>

<p>So, to prevent my getting into decades’ worth of debt, I’m going to Colgate. Besides, going to a politically conservative school means more debates. I plan on doing debate over there, so I’ll do well in terms of my liberal politicking, and I can learn the other side from some of my friends I’ll get to know at Colgate who are utterly conservative. Besides, my high school is EXTREMELY right-wing and all they do is get drunk, so it’s a good taste of what to expect at Colgate. And I lived and enjoyed my four years here at my high school, so Colgate it is!</p>

<p>Congrats, good choice. Yeah if you have to take out loans, Colgate is a very mature choice.</p>