Colgate U. Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yeah, 21,000 applications this year. I think that includes the ED1 and EDII as well, so let’s call it 19,000. With a yield of 30% (according to some searches I did) and the need to fill about 350 seats, that means about 1150 admits and a 6% acceptance rate. Damn, that’s discouraging

Is the 30% yield rate specific to previous RD years or total admission rate yield? Because if half the class is being filled with ED/ED2, it will skew the overall yield rate since for that half there would be a near 100% yield.

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I listened to their podcast the other day and they said the last 2 classes were too large so I guess that’s not great but we’ll see. Apps are up everywhere.

Great point. Did some more digging and this is what I found for the '21-22 cycle. All of the total and ED numbers below I found online from various sources. The RD numbers are calculated (just subtracting ED from total). So with a 16% RD yield, there will be about twice as many acceptances as I calculated above.

|Total Applications|17540|
|ED Applications|1223|
|RD Applications|16317|

|Total Acceptances|3015|
|ED Acceptances|495|
|RD Acceptances|2520|

|Total Enrolled|887|
|ED Enrolled|495|
|RD Enrolled|392|
|RD Yield|16%|


While it’s indicative of what’s happening in more and more schools, including many of Colgate’s peers, it really is stark how different the acceptance rates are for ED vs RD. Last year ED applicants had a 40% chance of admission while RD applicants had a 15% chance of acceptance. I still recall back when our oldest was applying and schools were still saying there was no admission advantage to applying ED. Now its actively marketed as an advantage (accurately).

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agree there is an advantage in general…but not quite to the level of 15% vs. 40% as the 40% includes I’m assuming athletes so you’d want to back those out…as those skew the % especially at small colleges (less so at larger schools like Wake Forest or Villanova, etc). Still, even with that I’m assuming the number is still in the low 30%'s.


I agree. I know at the Ivies, athletes are about 200 of the early dscision admits. So looking at Colgate, where they probably admitted 350-400. For easy math, let’s call it 400. That means that 1/2 of the ED acceptances were likely athletes or other special admits. So that 40% number is closer to 25% in actuality (400 at 40% is 1000 applicants). Take 200 out and you have 200 out of 800 applicants.

Directionally yes…although at 200, it would be 295 acceptances / 1023 applicants…so around a 29% acceptance rate…we would take 200 off the numerator and denominator. So better than 20%…but certainly worse than 40%.

I guess I don’t understand why athletes would not be figured into the rate. Recruited athletes still go through the pre-read process and have to be admitted, pretty much with the same stats as other applicants. Right?

By the time many athletes apply, they have already received a de facto acceptance. Therefore, while athletes are counted in admission statistics, the average rate of acceptance with athletes included doesn’t accurately indicate the chances of acceptance for general applicants.

Not necessarily. Williams, Pomona, Colby, Bowdoin, Smith, Wesleyan all small LACs with active threads…

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However, Colgate’s main topic has registered more views (3.5 thousand) than that of at least one of the colleges named above.


Good luck to everyone!


waitlisted :confused:

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Accepted - I didn’t realize they didn’t give merit scholarships- daughter applied to her own list. Ouch.

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Davidson Class of 2027 topic has maybe 5 posts. I wouldn’t say the CC activity means anything.

WL #3 for my daughter. This is becoming a recurring theme.

Congrats to everyone who got the thumbs-up. Best wishes to everyone else, whether you’ve been left floating in limbo or (hopefully) have found another great place you’ll be able to call home.


Davidson admission decisions are going to be released tomorrow at 10 AM ET. Hoping activity picks up!

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WL #3 for my son, too. I thought he had this.

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It’s a good day for my DD23, two acceptances in a row. Got in William & Mary earlier too, after 4 waitlists last week.