<p>I'm aware of the totally different atmospheres of Colgate and Georgetown (small vs. large/rural vs. urban), but I'm not exactly sure how they compare prestige wise...I've heard different things from different people. What do you think?</p>
<p>Georgetown is preeminent in the International Relations field (its Masters is rated number one in the world by Foreign Policy magazine) and has a reputation that is truly world-class. Its faculty and alumni include current and former Heads of State. Colgate, while a great liberal arts school, has no program of this caliber or visibility.</p>
<p>Georgetown is a little more well known, especially in poly sci type pursuits, but they are close enough to concern yourself more with fit. I knew several who didn't do this and ended up transferring from Colgate to Georgetown and vice versa.</p>
<p>Georgetown has a very strong national and international reputation across a variety of fields. Colgate is a good lac that is not as well known but has excellent Wall St. contacts.</p>
<p>You should also consider if you want to live in a very rural area and go to a school with a heavy Greek scene or if you prefer to live in a cosmopolitan area with many varied, world class cultural opportunities. Colgate tries to bring a lot to campus, but of course cannot compete with what is available at Georgetown and in the DC area.</p>
Sciences? No
Social Sciences other than IR? No
Humanities other than languages? Not sure but probably no.
Engineering? No
Medicine? No
Business? No
Arts/Performing Arts/Music? No</p>
<p>Oh, and neither Colgate nor Georgetown offer engineering and Colgate certainly does not have a strong reputation for arts and music. They regularly get professional musicians to participate in their performing music groups since they don't have enough students to fill them out. And there's no question that people who want to go to cultural events in college have way, way more in DC than they do in the area of rural Hamilton, NY.</p>
<p>I think most people would say G-Town is more prestigious than Colgate in terms of reputation. Locally, G-town is the top school in the DC area while I don't think Colgate has any dominance in NY. I could be wrong.</p>