Collection of articles on Inside the Admissions process: selective LACs

<p>I haven’t read all the articles yet (I intend to) but my eye was caught by the following quote:


<p>To me, this confirms that, although the dynamics may be intricate, the student who DOESN’T need any financial aid has an admission advantage. Even if it is only to allow the adcoms to admit someone they really want who needs a full ride!</p>

<p>This 2006 article is more about using statistical tools for recruiting rather than admissions- at larger institutions-, but I wouldn’t doubt that such an approach hasn’t affected the ‘demostrated interest’ weighting factors in some admissions decisions.
[The</a> Chronicle: 10/13/2006: The Power and Peril of Admissions Data](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>If Pomona’s approach is any guide to other selective LACs, perhaps these methods are less frequently used:


<p>However, others might…


<p>An HD.NET transcript of a May 2008 Dan Rather show (Stress Test: Getting Into College)…includes Chicago, Earlham, Caltech, Kenyon & more:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>another Harvard article, circa 2005:
[Keys</a> to the Kingdom - Boston Magazine](<a href=“]Keys”></p>

<p>this subject of behind-the-scenes looks at the college admissions process is apparently so sexy that there’s a new novel out now…Princeton admissions office as the setting:
[The</a> mystery of college admissions | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/05/2009](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>Great thread! Only the Stanford link doesn’t work…</p>

<p>my head hurts from reading all these links…great stuff!</p>

<p>darling-- looks like Stanford re-mapped their news and magazine archives, and that the article is lost in cyberspace. I looked hard, but could not find it (January 1998, feature article #5 entitled: “Class of 2002”, I think…index found on a saved PDF of the subsequent article in that issue here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>I did find a letter to the editor regarding the admissions article:
[Letters</a> to the Editor](<a href=“]Letters”>


<p>Note that “Stanford Today” doesn’t seem to exist anymore, and a new “Stanford Daily” only has archives back to 2001.</p>

<p>Brandeis (date unknown) on video:
[A</a> behind-the-scenes look at the undergraduate admissions process - YouTube EDU Channels](<a href=“]A”>Discover Best Colleges In U.S. - U.S. News Best Colleges)</p>

<p>[this is Brandeis sponsored, not an independent news report, but interesting nonetheless]</p>

<p>Thanks Papa Chicken… too bad it’s lost tho. But thanks again!</p>

<p>this 2004 article on Florida state schools’ admission process is a counterpoint to all of the other articles on this thread…[State:</a> Admit, deny, done.](<a href=“]State:”></p>



<p>Bowdoin, Cornell & Rice (copy of a 2000 Time article) </p>

<p>Title: “In or Out: Inside College Admissions, An exclusive look at the admissions process of three top schools exposes the myths that keep students from getting into the college of their choice”
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>I found these NYT ‘Choice Blog’ answers from Fitzsimmons of Harvard to be interesting, and quasi ‘inside’, but they do not recant much in anecdotal stories about the heat of the decision (like some of the other articles & linked stories on this thread), so to speak, more on Harvard’s approach:</p>

<p>on general process & financial aid: [Guidance</a> Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 1 - The Choice Blog -](<a href=“]Guidance”>Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard's Dean, Part 1 - The New York Times)
on SATs & helicopter parents: [Guidance</a> Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 2 - The Choice Blog -](<a href=“]Guidance”>Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard's Dean, Part 2 - The New York Times)
on ECs and Recommendations: [Guidance</a> Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 3 - The Choice Blog -](<a href=“]Guidance”>Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard's Dean, Part 3 - The New York Times)
on essays: [Guidance</a> Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 4 - The Choice Blog -](<a href=“]Guidance”>Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard's Dean, Part 4 - The New York Times)
on secondary school origin: [Guidance</a> Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Last of 5 Parts - The Choice Blog -](<a href=“]Guidance”>Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard's Dean, Last of 5 Parts - The New York Times)</p>

<p>here’s a direct source for the Times article (In or Out: Inside College Admissions) mentioned in post 52:
[In</a> or Out: Inside College Admissions - TIME](<a href=“,8599,57724,00.html]In”>,8599,57724,00.html)</p>

<p>although dated, its still great advice with some admissions committee insights, IMHO.
headings fyi:
Myth 1 Make yourself look as well rounded as possible
Myth 2 The essay counts only in close calls
Myth 3 Send your “award-winning” art portfolio
Myth 4 Don’t spill your guts
Myth 5 If a teacher says he’ll write a rec, it will be a good one
Myth 6 Don’t be too eager</p>

<p>new set of articles on Duke
[Application</a> increase overwhelms review system | The Chronicle](<a href=“]Application”>Application increase overwhelms review system - The Chronicle)
[Duke</a> balances competing goals in admissions | The Chronicle](<a href=“]Duke”>Duke balances competing goals in admissions - The Chronicle)</p>

<p>^And part 3 of that series:
[Duke</a> draws ?rich kids of all colors? | The Chronicle](<a href=“]Duke”>Duke draws ‘rich kids of all colors’ - The Chronicle)</p>

<p>Wall Str Journal video with the following description


<p>[not an allowed cc website, so here’s a clue]
link: "<a href=“"></a>”
replace ***** with these 5 letters

<p>this video is pretty good</p>



<p>[Dean</a> Scott Meiklejohn: Table for Twelve?Inside Bowdoin?s Admissions Committee Bowdoin Daily Sun](<a href=“—inside-bowdoin’s-admissions-committee/]Dean”>—inside-bowdoin’s-admissions-committee/)</p>