<p>YAY, Carolyn! I'm so happy to read about your DD's acceptance to Beloit! Popping the cork on more of the champagne from the SA bar. :)</p>
<p>Congratulations to your D wishingandhoping! She will be joining my D's best friend at Bryn Mawr next fall!</p>
<p>More jumps for joy for Carolyn's daughter.</p>
<p>It is SO much fun to come here each day and read the happy news! Congratulations, everyone.</p>
<p>Congratulations from me too , Carolyn, I'm glad Beloit made your D happy. My D resembles yours in some respects--if mine would have considered the Midwest, Beloit would have been a good choice, I think. Peronalized responses can do a lot for feeling positive about a school.</p>
<p>Wishing, congratulations on Bryn Mawr acceptance--would you mind posting D's stats or linking to them? Curious because my D is applying RD to BM.</p>
<p>Thanks pye, PM me and I will respond.</p>
<p>carolyn I know Beloit was one of her "originals" or at least was this past March. How does she feel about it now?>></p>
<p>Cur, She loves Beloit -- at least she loves the college. She's less thrilled with the town of Beloit, which is a kind of gritty old mill town.
But, the college itself fits her to a T, and offers everything she is looking for. I have been very impressed with every interaction we've had with Beloit - from our first visit to the letter yesterday, they have handled every interaction in an incredibly personal and caring way. When we visited last spring, for instance, the chairman of the history department talked with her for over an hour about history, Beloit, and just life...and he then personally escorted her to the other side of campus for her next appointment. This was after we were warned by the admissions secretary that he was a very busy man and might not be able to spend much time with her that day. Later in the day, she sat in on a studio art class, and the teacher personally gave her a tour of all of the art facilities on campus (which are among the best we've seen for her interests), even taking her into the student show in the art museum and explaining some of the pieces to her. Both encounters have stuck out in her mind in a way that no other faculty interactions at other schools have --- and I know from talking to other parents with kids at Beloit, as well as current and former students that this is the type of treatment she really can expect there, not just some marketing hype pulled out for the "prospies." They were the only school to acknowledge receiving her SAT scores, the only score where the admissions rep personally emailed her to let her know her application was complete, the only school (so far) that wrote a truly personal admissions letter that she says shows they "get her" and her passions. In case you can't guess, she would be very glad to end up at Beloit, and I would be pleased to see her there, even though she has other schools on her list in far nicer towns. :)</p>
<p>PS Unfortunately, this means Hendrix is probably back off her list. Sigh. It really is unfair that you have to limit yourself to just one college in the end.</p>
<p>If Beloit is the final choice, let's get together when you come to Wisconsin. I'm just down the road or up the road or something. I'm still a little vague on the geography here.</p>
<p>Steve, will do, thanks for the offer. It is always so neat to meet CC people in real life.</p>
<p>D called last night (from BS) to excitedly report she received the fat envelope from U Montana. Some of you recall she was reluctant to discuss college, nevermind apply, so we are all savoring this moment. She's posting the app to U Montana's honors college and scholarship today, so we'll have a little more waiting to do before a (hopefully) bigger sigh of relief and celebration. Thanks CC'ers for the words of encouragement over the past month.</p>
<p>Wishingandhoping --</p>
<p>With 12 back-ups, you all deserve a merit award for ED contingency planning! Congrats to your D.</p>
<p>Daughter just got into NYU today! Very happy especially as she has not started any other applications since she didn't even want to think about not getting in.</p>
<p>Congrats to your D! Is she all done then?</p>
<p>congrats on the great news</p>
<p>one question: since i went to school in wisconsin, is your southern california girl really ready for those winters?</p>
one question: since i went to school in wisconsin, is your southern california girl really ready for those winters?
<p>We're expecting 6" of snow tonight. We've had about 10" already this year. As to cold: I look forward to those days when it gets up to the 20s. One day last week I got off the bus and walked several blocks and up lots of stairs in -5 temp.</p>
Good question, and one she's struggled with all along. But her desire to get out of Southern California seems to be outweighing her aversion to cold weather. We do live up in the mountains at an elevation of 3500', so she has been exposed to snow and freezing temps...but I'm sure a blast of Wisconsin air will still be a shocker. As a former New Yorker, who spent my college years in Syracuse, I will be laughing my head off when I hear her complaining. But hey, maybe that will bring her back home after graduation. :)</p>
<p>Catherine - Congratulations to your Daughter!!! She must be so thrilled!</p>
<p>And, Baseballmom, especially good to hear the news about your daughter's acceptance to UMontana. Hope it is the start of more great news for her!</p>
<p>"We're expecting 6" of snow tonight. We've had about 10" already this year. "</p>
<p>Don't let Steve scare you, Carolyn - we've had 60" thus far in our corner of Ohio. I am so glad to hear about Beloit - the website looks absolutely fantastic and it sounds like the school matches!</p>
<p>CONGRATS to your D on NYU!!!!!! My third one has NYU aspirations (she's just a high school freshman though...<em>lol</em>). That's just fabulous news!</p>